• Chapter 13 •

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“Lisaaaaaaaaaa!” I shout coming from the stairs, I quickly turned around and saw jennie approaching me with her gummy smile.

“Argh why?” I frown

“I have a good news,” She smiles at me

“What good news?”

“Somi” She says in excitement

I widen my eyes and look at jennie “What? What happened to her?”

“Dumbo, She will study here! With us!” Jennie said

“Woah, woah, Really?”

“Yes, lis” She nodded

“But unnie, where is she going to live?” I asked confused “She's alone?” I added and jennie nod

“Maybe here. we have extra room, right?” She said making surely

“Yes, where is she?” I asked

“School, she's waiting for the both of us” She laughed and i quickly stood up

“Let's go!” I said directly and immediately went to the car


Somi, Our parents and her parents were Partners in our both company, They were best friends for almost 20 years. When jennie and I was a little, if her parents went to our house often. We always looked for somi. We've been best friends for almost 15 years? But she's straight like rosie. Jennie, somi and I always played in the playground, I was bullied that time and there's somi and Jennie protecting me.

And now it's been 5 years ago since we last saw her, because her parents moved in canada. Now, I'm excited to see her again.

“We're here,”

I looked around and saw Jisoo and Rosie waiting for us. We approached them sincerely while me still looking for somi.

“Good morning,” Rosie says with her angelic voice

“Good morning, Rosé” Jennie replied
“Jisoo?, How was your day?” She added And they both let out a chuckle

“Hm, I don't know” Jisoo whine

“Lali? You look so quiet, good morning” Rosie looked at me lovely,

I was looking around when i saw a Ash brown hair color. I quickly know who's that person, My eyes widen and I immediately approached the girl behind.

“Somi?” I whispered and she quickly turned her head to face me

“Lisa? Omy- is that really you?” She smiled sweetly and hugged me tightly

“I missed you,” I pouted

“Me too, I missed you so much my monkey” She laughed, She wrapped her arms around my neck and kiss my cheek nonstop

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