Chapter 22

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Bath finally finishes his speech and we get ready to file out. New trainees were instructed to meet in the training room in two hours, which gives us time to get ready. Zach was nowhere to be seen which I was thankful for.

"I won't let them get you, I promise. Let's go on the other side of the stage and meet your links." Alaina whispers to me. 

She urges me to follow her to where the black diamonds were exiting. 

I haven't seen Sicily at all since being back which led me to believe that she was planning something big. 

I see my links talking with some other black diamond members near the stage. 

Alaina sees them as well and pulls on my shirt to get me to follow her towards them. I bet we looked ridiculous. She was a whole foot shorter than me and it really felt like a child pulling her parent by the shirt. 

"Let's go, Lilac." Alaina urges me to follow her but I stop walking. 

"Wait, they're talking to someone. I don't want to interrupt them." I tell her, feeling self-conscious about being their cardinal. Everyone was looking at them like they saved the world and there was just me, the mystery. 

Alaina stops in her tracks and looks at me with an annoyed expression on her face. 

"What the hell is wrong with you? Do you hear yourself? Stop that." She pinches me and I yelp in response. 

"Okay, fine. Let's go." I finally give in with a sigh. 

I approach them and William sees me and smirks. Why does he always look so menacing? He was never like this when we were teenagers. 

"Lilac! I thought you were going to pussy out for a second. Do we look like we're going to bite? Come here." He yells out louder than I wanted him to. I mouth at him to stop but he just smirks at me. 

People gave cursory glances after hearing Will's booming voice. 

I wave awkwardly at everyone in their little group as I approach. There was another woman that was even taller than me with calculating eyes, assessing my every move. She had her brown hair braided in a double dutch braid with a sparkling pin on the side of her hair, giving her look a touch of feminity to her otherwise all-black uniform. I nod at her to acknowledge her. She had two men who flanked her, who were almost as tall as my links with a playful expression as well. The man on her right looked like a surfer with his golden skin and gold hair in a top bun. The other man on her left had almost white hair and was as pale as a ghost. His eyes were equally as pale. 

"So you're the cardinal!" The pale man suddenly blurts out with a laugh. The girl punches his stomach as if to chastise him. 

"Come here, Lilac." Will gestures over to me. Keenan and Steel had humorous expressions on their face while Damian's betrayed no emotion. 

I scrunch my face at him with his attitude. He pulls me towards him and he proceeds to wrap his arm around my waist. They all give me sheepish looks, except for Damian who's avoiding my gaze again. 

"I didn't know you had it in you, dude. I thought you were just perpetually angry. " The surfer-looking man relays, winking at Will. 

I felt uncomfortable with his display of affection suddenly in front of strangers but especially the people left in the stadium. I shifted in his arms but he kept a tight hold on me. There were still some of them observing us, wanting to know the scoop I'm sure. Nosy ass bitches. 

"Hi, I'm Lilac Storm." I introduce myself to everyone. 

"Lilac, this is Ruby, and her links Georgie and Ben." Keenan introduces and points to the new people. The pale man's name was Georgie and the surfer man's name was Ben. 

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