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Sakura did not like where she was at the moment. She would rather be in Kushina's suffocating hugs instead of being tied to Kakashi. Her hair, which now covered her face, did not allow her to look around, and she could feel Kakashi's spiky hair against the back of her neck. "Can you see where we are?" She asked and waited for a response. After minutes of no response. She let out a scoff and managed to move one of her legs to kick Kakashi's legs, "Oi, Bakashi, can you see where we are?" Kakashi felt his facade slowly start to break. His pink haired teammate was loud and annoying. He took in a deep breath and looked around.

"We are in the woods," he dryly stated and felt another kick be delivered to his legs. "Thank you for that, Captain Obvious! Do you know what part of the woods we are in?" Sakura once again asked, and Kakashi shook his head. Minato-sensei had managed to trap them and explained to them the importance of bonding with a team member. Sakura was up for it, but once she found out who the team member was, she changed her mind. Now the two of them were stuck together. Kakashi was known as a prodigy for a reason. He thought ahead and was prepared for anything.

"Dead last, can you move your hands?" He asked and felt Sakura start to tremble. "What did you say?!" Kakashi shook his head and let out a sigh. "This is sensei's way of telling us to work as a team. If we don't want to end up like this, again, we have to prove to him that we can get along and overcome this problem," he calmly explained and felt Sakura moving her hands. She carefully moved her hand to her ninja pouch and opened it slowly. She watched, in pain, as everything started to fall onto the ground. She shook her head, quickly grabbed a kunai, and held onto it with a tight grip. There was no need for words to be said. She slowly started to cut through the rope that held them together and soon found herself standing proudly on the ground.

Kakashi stretched and turned to leave. There was no need for him to stay there. "Oi, where do you think you're going? If we want to show Minato-sensei that we can work together, we obviously have to  go to him together," Sakura stated and picked up her weapons and tags that had fallen on the ground. Kakashi did not utter a word, and Sakura quickly stuffed everything into her pouch. Kakashi and Sakura walked out of the woods, but Kakashi was two steps ahead of her. She kept a scowl on her face, and her scowl deepened once she saw her sensei. The smile he wore made her start questioning her shinobi career.

She turned and quickly stomped away from the two males. She soon found herself entering her room and threw her shinobi pouch onto her bed. She looked at her tied up hair then looked at her ninja pouch. She did recall that having long hair while being a shinobi could be dangerous, but she also recalls beautiful people with long hair who were great shinobi. Like Kushina and Tsunade. 'I will never cut my hair and when I become an S-ranked shinobi, I'll be known for my hair!'she thought to herself and gave a nod. She would be stronger than Bakashi, and she will get praising from her dear friend. It had not become another of her goals.


Sakura slightly flinched as her back harshly met the ground. She quickly jumped onto her feet and held her kunai infront of her. She threw a harsh glare at Kakashi, ran to meet him,, and heard the familiar sound of two kunais meeting each other. Sakura ducked and tried to sweep Kakashi's legs from underneath him, but he quickly jumped and landed away from her. Rin stood at the sides, worryingly watching at her friends. She was the medic of the team, and Tsunade has passed down her rules to every medic. They were not supposed to fight in the battlefield. Rin looked up to Tsunade and stood by the rules of a medic. She couldn't help her teammates when it came to the battlefield, but if they ever fell.... She shook her head and clasped her hands together. She would watch over them.

Sakura inwardly cheered as she stood over Kakashi. She proudly held the kunai to his neck but soon felt the tip of a kunai at the back of her neck. "I win," Kakashi stated and looked at his sense for confirmation. Minato only gave a nod, and the kunai was taken away from Sakura's neck. Rin ran to the both of them and gave them a glance. "Kakashi, you did splendid!" She said, and Sakura groaned. "Maa, how did I do, Rin?" She asked and was met with a bright smile. "You've improved. As soon as you know it, your dream will come true." Sakura gave her friend a smile and threw her arms over her two teammates.

She gave a sly grin to Kakashi and looked at him, "Before we know it you'll be under my command, Bakashi. I'll be your Hokage!"

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