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She ducked, and he kicked. She slashed at him with her kunai, and he blocked it with one of his own. Rin stared at the both, on the sidelines waiting. Minato stared with his arms crossed and waited. Surprisingly, they did not end up on the ground choking each other. For the first time, they bowed in respect. Kakashi quickly straightened up, feeling his ears turn red, and Sakura grinned at her sensei. He walked up to her and ruffled her hair. "Lunch is on me."

Sakura quickly finished her dango and jumped out her seat. "Sorry sensei, but I promised someone I would help them with their groceries," she said and gave the three of them a grin and ran off. Kakashi, Rin, and Minato groaned. "Hey, sensei, Kakashi," Rin muttered and the two males looked at her. With no words needed, the three of them followed the pinkette at a safe distance. Sakura excitedly grinned and waved at the old lady who was carrying a small bag. "Sakura, I'm glad you came. Come darling, I must look for the healthiest vegetables," she said, and Sakura followed her. With each shop the two of them passed, Sakura carried all the bags with a smile.

Not once did she complain, and she kept up with the excited old lady. She had purchased her last batch of tomatoes that she needed and turned to Sakura. "Are you sure you don't want me to carry any of those bags, Sakura?" She asked, and Sakura quickly shook her head. "Trust me, they may look like a lot of bags, but I got this." Rin and Kakashi stared at their teammate and then glanced back to their sensei. Minato felt pride at seeing his student actually helping an old lady with her groceries. "Sakura must be strong to carry all those bags," he stated and could see the faint sweat on his pink haired student's face.

Kakashi glanced to the floor and made up his mind. One moment he stood next to Rin, and the other he had half of the bags and Sakura had the other half. Sakura blinked and gave a grin to her teammate who only looked to the side with red ears. The old lady clapped in excitement, "Thank you young lad. You're very kind for helping my dear Sakura, not that she needed it of course," she stated and started walking.

"I have to help someone remodel their house," Sakura stated and ran out once again. At the end, Kakashi carried some of the wood planks, and Sakura carried the other half. Another time, Kakashi carried paint cans, and Sakura carried buckets of nails. And every day the two would end it with a bountiful meal that the generous people gave them. This night was different, Minato had invited them to a dinner that Kushina was cooking. Sakura had nervously accepted and found herself being crushed to death. "Someone....help," she whispered and felt Kakashi try to pull her away.

Kushina raised an eyebrow and pulled harder towards her, and Kakashi planted his feet into the ground and pulled his way. "Kakashi, if you wanted Sakura, then that's all you had to say," she stated and let go of the pinkette who fell with the grey haired shinobi. Kakashi felt his face reddened at the statement and at the weight between his arms. Sakura quickly breathed in a big gulp of air and rolled off the grey haired. She found the floor comfortable and slowly started to fall asleep. Rin could sense that the red haired was about to finish cooking, so she gently shook Sakura and gave her teammate a smile. "Come on Sakura. Kushina-san is about to prepare our meal."

With that the room soon became full of laughter and chatter. Sakura sat between Rin and Kakashi, and she excitedly ate the dango that her sensei had offered. "Thank you for the meal," she stated and dug in. Kushina gave a grin full of pride, as she saw the pinkette stuff her mouth with her food. "See Minato, your students enjoy my cooking," she stated and ate her food. Sakura and Rin helped Kushina gather the plates and helped her clean. At the end, Kushina gave the two of them a hug, and wished them a good night. Minato waved the three of them a goodnight, and they walked to their respected houses. Sakura waved goodbye as Rin entered her house, and ran to catch up to Kakashi.

"Tomorrow, I have to help an old lady carry her belongings," she said and glanced at her grey haired teammate, " You're welcome to come," she stated and Kakashi nodded, "Sakura, I'll help you." Sakura and Kakashi were seen following a small old lady with bags in their arms. It had become an occurrence that the two were seen together helping the elderly out. They both walked down the village with dango in their hands. The sun had set down, and they calmly walked to a bench. Sakura sat down and started eating her dango.

"You're not so bad," she said and looked at her teammate. "Am I growing on you Kakashi?" She teased and went back to her dango. Kakashi stared at her for a few and looked down at his dango. Sakura noticed his silence and gave him an odd look. "You know, you're always welcome to hangout with me. You don't have to help out the elderly," she whispered. Kakashi only gave her a glance, "Why do you look so gloomy?" She asked, "There's more people to help out, and you'll be by my side."
She nodded and quickly gave him a side hug. She had a goofy grin, and Kakashi let himself be hugged.

"I got you, Kakashi. I never go back on my ninja word," she exclaimed and did not let him go. 'And I got you,' he thought, and felt himself at peace.

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