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"Sakura..Sakura!" Sakura quickly stood up and fell into a clumsy fighting stand. She shook her head and brightened up at the sight of the brown haired girl running to her. "Rin! Hi!" She exclaimed and threw her a bright grin. "Meet me by the fence in 2," Rin said and quickly ran away. Sakura let a small blush appear on her face, and she screamed in joy. Finally, Rin wanted to hang out with her. She jumped in glee at the many things they could do. She quickly went home and prepared for her get together with who she considered her best friend.

"I can't be late," she angrily muttered and ran through the streets of Konoha. She made it there 5 minutes before and stood nervously waiting for her friend. One second she was standing the other, she was in a bush. "Rin, what's going on?" She whispered but the brown haired girl and apparently others quickly jumped out the bush and gathered around a very familiar face. "Congratulations Kakashi!" She exclaimed and Sakura felt herself frown. She walked out of the bush and saw as Kakashi was handed a bouquet of flowers from Rin and received many pats on the shoulder from all her previous classmates. She let out a sigh and quickly slipped away.

Kakashi nodded along with the words many of them were saying and sucked up all the congratulations that were given to him. He looked around and found himself a little worried that his pink haired teammate was nowhere to be found. He didn't voice his worried but just let his fellow classmates continue to congratulate him. Few hours had passed ,and Sakura laid on her bed with despair. She sure was a sucker when it came to precious time with friends. She let out a sigh and dropped her head back into her pillow. She would just go back to sleep. Just as she was about to close her eyes, a soft knock filled the home.

She opened one eye, and knew that she was not expecting anyone to come. She quickly got up and walked to the door, opened it, and was shocked to see her grey haired teammate standing there. "Put on your shoes, we have somewhere to be," he said, and Sakura crossed her arms. "And if I don't?" She asked and Kakashi inhaled, "Just come." Sakura sighed and quickly grabbed her sandals and put them on. Kakashi waited for her to close the door and grabbed her wrist, dragging her to the place he had planned. Sakura let him drag her for a bit and was about to scream, until she saw the ramen stand, and she quickly closed her mouth.

"Are we meeting sensei here?" She asked, and Kakashi looked to the side. He slowly shook his head, and she raised an eyebrow. "Are we meeting Rin here?" She asked trying to hide the hurt in her voice but failed. Kakashi once again shook his head, "Just us two." Sakura tilted her head, "Why?" Kakashi quickly ordered two miso ramen, and Sakura forgot the question quickly. She was so hungry and a part of her was happy that Kakashi was buying her food. She would do anything for food. The two bowls quickly came out, and Sakura gave a full blown grin to her teammate. "Bakashi, thank you for the food!" She gave him a thumbs up and quickly started eating her ramen, not thinking about her masked teammate.

She twirled some noodles around and looked at her teammate. "These noodles remind me of a puppy chasing its tail," she said, and showed him the demonstration. He didn't really see it but nodded along to add to her imagination. The nod was all she needed, and she started talking away. He noticed that while she talked, she would close her eyes for some seconds and he took advantage of those seconds to eat his ramen. For the first time, he let her talk away and he listened. For the first time, it was not Sakura that got left out. "Rin," Kurenai stated as they both walked past the food stands. "Are those not your teammates?" She asked, and Rin glanced to the ramen stand. Her eyes widened at the sight of the two peacefully eating. She did not want to admit that she felt a pang of pain, "They are my teammates."

Sakura decided that her day was going good. Kakashi bought her food and was being very nice to her. She sighed in contempt as her bowl was now empty but decided to thank the grey haired boy back. She quickly jumped out her stool and grabbed his hand. "Come on, Kakashi. I'll show you a cool place." With that she tightened her hold on his hand and started running. At that moment, Kakashi found himself staring in wonder at their joined hands and let himself get pulled.

Kushina proudly stared out her window. Kakashi had not come back meaning that her plan had worked. For the first time, Kakashi was thanking someone and maybe Kushina added a few twists to the way you should thank someone.

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