Chapter 2: Back to school

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It's been a couple of days since you reunited with your family as we see you wearing a tophat and  in the kitchen eating breakfast which was a bowl of cereal and milk as the others showed up for breakfast.

(F/N): Morning everyone.

Danny: Morning, so ready for your first day back to school?

(F/N): You bet I am.

Jazz: I still can't get over the fact that I have another sister, who's a ghost.

(F/N): And I can't believe I have a sister.

Jack: Well you better believe it, It's good to have our daughter back.

(F/N): It's good to be back.

Jazz: Yeah come on, little sis I'll take you and Danny to school.

(F/N): Thanks Jazz.

We later see you and the others arrive at school where you saw Casper High.

(F/N): Dang Casper High hasn't changed a bit.

Danny: Wait, you were here before when you were still human?

(F/N): Yep, back when I was still a freshman.

Jazz: Wow.

Later we see you and your siblings in class. We see Lancer was introducing you.

Mr. Lancer: Everyone, we have a new student with us and she's a Fenton.

Star: Oh great, another loser.

Sam: (F/N) isn't a loser.

Mr. Lancer: Settle down people, Ms.Fenton you may come in, *doesn't get a response* Ms.Fenton?

(F/N): *teleports behind Lancer* What's up?

Mr.Lancer: *gets startled* Ah! Lord of the flies! *Sees you* How in the world did you do that?!

(F/N): Oh easy I have magic and I'm a ghost.

Class: A ghost?!

(F/N): Yep, and I have magic.

Dash: Pfft yeah right, magic isn't real.

(F/N): Mine is, watch. *Summons her tophat* now watch and be amazed at what I'm gonna do, also don't try this at home.

You then stick your hand into the hat as you then pull the head of a dragon as everyone gasps in shock as you put it back and then pull out a teacup elephant.

(F/N): See, my magic is real.

Dash: *scoffs* It's just smoke and mirrors Fentonail.

(F/N): Kinda like your looks and smell, jock strap?

Class: Ooooh….

Dash: Grrrrr….why you little-

Mr.Lancer: Okay that's enough excitement, (F/N) why don't you go sit next to Ms.Manson.

(F/N): Certainly, *makes the top-hat disappear*.

You then sat next to Sam as the class was still awed by what you both did and said to Dash as a certain popular girl was staring at you admiration.

Danny: *chuckles* *whispers* I can't believe you said that to Dash.

(F/N):  Well that's what he gets for saying my magic is fake.

During the time in class we see you getting a bit popular with everyone. Some people liked it but others didn't like a certain blond jock. Later on, we see you and the others at gym class where we see you getting ready to lift a 15000 lbs dumbbell.

(DISCONTINUED) Danny Phantom: Magic Phantom (Female Reader Insert story)Where stories live. Discover now