Chapter 4: One Of A Kind

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It's been a few days since you and Danny fought your first ghost. Here at night we see the camera opens on a ship and pans to a row of warehouses and other buildings along a dock. Inside one of the buildings, the Box Ghost phases through a wall and crashes into a pile of boxes. We then see you and Danny also phase
through to just in front of the wall, and all three of tou turn visible.

Box Ghost: Beware! I am the Box Ghost! *Gesturing to boxes*  I have power over all containers, cardboard and squares.

(F/N): Seriously? Heh that's a lame power.

Danny: Okay, can we get this over with? I've got a test to study for.

Box Ghost: Study? There will be no time to study-- *His hands begin to glow green and he raises boxes into the air* --when you find yourself crushed beneath the forgotten possessions of... *Reading off a shipping label* Elliot Kravitz of Arlington Heights, Illinois!

(F/N): *sarcastically* Wow that's so scary, I'm trembling in terror.

He turns to you and Danny, his eyes and the floating boxes glowing green, and sends the boxes and their contents flying at both of you. You and Danny turn intangible and the contents hit the wall behind you both.

(F/N): Seriously this is just getting boring at this point.

Danny: I know right, Hey Tucker, let's go!

Tucker and Sam kick down the door and jump into the room, Tucker carrying a Fenton Thermos and Sam a biology textbook.

Tucker: *Opening the thermos*  Good night everybody! *Activates thermos*

Danny grabs the Box Ghost and throws him into the beam of the thermos. He screams and gets sucked in.

Tucker: *Capping thermos* Perimeter secure.

Sam: Perimeter secure? What are you, a Navy Seal?

(F/N): *lands next to Sam* Soldiers say that to ya know.

Danny: *Lands next to Tucker*  Seals: aquatic mammals that bark. They're canines, right?

(F/N): Well you got half of that right.

Sam: *Checking textbook*  Still wrong. *Closing book* That's zero for twenty-one.

Tucker: *Spinning thermos on finger*  I'm no teacher, but I'm guessing that's an "F."

(F/N): I'd say a D.

Danny: Come on, you guys. *Flies up in between them*  If you're gonna be superhero sidekicks, you're gonna have to be a little more focused. *To Sam* You're supposed to be helping me study for the test tomorrow. *To you and Tucker* And you two are supposed to be helping me catch these ghosts so I have time to study!

(F/N): Sidekick? I'm your twin sister. And besides we caught them all didn't we?

Tucker: *Spinning thermos on finger* Yeah relax they're all right here.

The thermos falls off of Tucker's finger and onto the ground. The word "RELEASE" appears on its side screen and the cap bursts off to release multiple ghosts in business suits, who phase out of the building. The Box Ghost is also released and flies into the air.

Box Ghost: Ha ha! I am the Box Ghost! You cannot hold me within the confines of a *Mimics shape of thermos with hands* cylindrical container. *Phases out through the wall*

Tucker: That's weird. *Checks PDA* According to my schedule, *Cut to PDA screen reading "FINISH CATCHING GHOSTS 9:00 PM"* We should be done catching ghosts by now.

You and Danny glared at Tucker as a red target-sighting screen focused on Danny's face.

Skulker: *Off-screen* Half human, half ghost. *Cut to Skulker lowering his binoculars* One of a kind. He'll make a fine addition to my collection.

(DISCONTINUED) Danny Phantom: Magic Phantom (Female Reader Insert story)Where stories live. Discover now