Chapter 9: My Brother's Keeper

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It's been a few days since you hung out with Paulina. Here we see a shot of Casper High and the bell rings. In front of the school, a banner reads "Spirit Week Centennial: 100 Years of Casper Spirit".

Lancer: *Jumping in the air as he cheers* Casper! High! Spirit! Oomph! *falls on the ground. Jazz looks down at him. He looks up.* Ahh, Spirit Week. I love it so much. *Getting up* The pomp, the circumstance, and mostly the spirit sparklers! *He whips out a photo of a younger Lancer cheerleading* Jasmine, did you know I was a cheerleader when I went to school here?

Jazz: Really? Weird. No clue. Look, can I talk to you for a minute, Mr. Lancer?

We then see the camera cut to you and Danny in the hallway walking past Spectra's office.

Jazz: *offscreen* About my brother Danny? *Danny's ghost sense goes off* He's been acting really strange lately. Like he's not himself anymore. And I think it may be affecting (F/N) too but I'm not so sure.

You and Danny goes intangible and fly through the door as we see Bertrand growls and you all exchange blows as we cut to. Jazz and Mr. Lancer walking down the hall.

Jazz: I'd talk to him, but I'm his older sister and he's just going to think I'm being bossy. And if he doesn't get some help, if he doesn't talk to somebody--

We cut to you and Danny's fight with Bertrand.

Jazz: *offscreen* --all that frustration he's repressing could come out the wrong way.

You and Danny shoot several ectoblasts at Bertrand but misses. Bertrand growls at you both, then flees through the ceiling.

(F/N): Oh no you don't!

You fly and go through the ceiling chasing after Bertrand as we see Danny transform back to his human form. Suddenly Lancer opens the door to find Danny in Spectra's destroyed office.

Danny: *to himself* Good one, Fenton. You let him get away, you idiot. And now your twin sister has to clean it up.

We then see Lancer grab him by the collar and yanks him off-screen. Later on, we see the camera opens in front of Casper High. Some random student knocks another random student's books out of his hands.

Jazz: *offscreen* Is it always so cold in here?

(F/N): *off-screen* Eh, the cold doesn't bother me.

Spectra: *She turns the thermostat from "Cold" to "Colder"* Of course! I find that cold temperatures keep the mind icy sharp. * She straightens up her office a little* And don't you worry about this mess of an office, either. Stuff happens! No biggie. Right, Jasmine?

Jazz: It's Jazz. My friends call me Jazz.

Danny: Yeah, well, your brother calls you fink!

Jazz: Danny, I'm just trying to help. Come on, we used to talk all the time.

Danny: Yeah, when I was 8 and you weren't a fink.

(F/N): Danny come on, Jazz is just trying to help you, even if she is a fink.

Jazz: Hey!

(F/N): And I mean that in the nicest way possible I could.

Lancer: That's more than enough out of you, Danny. You and (F/N) Get to class while Ms. Spectra and I decide what your punishment is. *Danny scowls at Jazz, then stomps off in a huff while you follow him* Unlike their brother, Jazz and (F/N) are Casper's best and brightest. Jazz will be giving the keynote pep speech at our centennial Spirit-a-thon on Wednesday.

Spectra: Right on! That's why I'm here. *Gestures at a series of photos on the wall, in which she looks chipper and various students look horribly depressed* To pump up the pep, one student at a time.

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