Chapter 6: Parental Bonding

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(Takes place during the episode)

It's been a few days since you adopted Saiya and she became your B.G.F.F F.F.A.A.L (Best Ghost Feline Friend For After Life) and convinced Maddie and Jack not to hurt her. Here we see you and Saiya in your room as you were seen playing with her with a cat toy which was a remote control mouse as Saiya was trying to pounce on it

(F/N): *giggles* Aww who's my favorite shadow ghost cat, you are yes you are.

We then see Saiya jump into your lap and start purring and nuzzling against your chest.

(F/N): *giggles* Aww love you too shnookums *hears the phone ringing* Ugh seriously right in the middle of my kitty time. *Answers the phone* Hello? Hey Danny, how's the dance with your date? Wait what? Okay slow down what happened? Paulina turning into a dragon because you gave her an amulet? How did this even happen?

Flashback 6 minutes earlier.

Here in the girl's bathroom at the dance we see Paulina is in there where we see her checking herself in a mirror. Sam walks up behind her in the reflection.

Sam: Hey, Paulina. Nice dress.

Paulina: *Turns to her* Yes, and it goes so nicely with your amulet, don't you think?

Sam: My amulet? That's not my-- *Realization of Danny's plan hits her* Right! grandma gave me that amulet, and--

Paulina: Forget it, Sam. I'm not giving up this trinket or your little boyfriend Danny.

Sam: My boyfriend? Ha ha! And they say pretty girls can't be funny. Danny is not my boyfriend.

Paulina: He's not?

Sam: No, he's my best friend. Maybe that's why I was so hard on you. I didn't mean to call you shallow.

Paulina: What a bummer! I only agreed to go out with him because I thought I was stealing him from you. *Putting amulet around Sam's neck* Here, you can have your amulet. *Walking away* I'm going back inside and telling Danny we can be friends. *In her head* Besides, I'm into someone else.

Sam shakes with anger and the amulet starts to glow. Her skin turns scaly and blue, and her eyes turn red.

Sam: Shallow little witch!

She transforms into the blue dragon and roars as we see Paulina fainted.

Flashback ends.

(F/N): *sighs* Geez, alright we'll be there.

Danny: *over the phone* We?

(F/N): Yeah, me and Saiya.

Danny: *over the phone* Oh right. Well get here quick.

(F/N): We will. *hangs up* Come on Saiya we got a dance to crash.

Saiya: *meows*

(F/N): But first we need to dress appropriately.

Meanwhile we see Danny walk into the bathroom and sees Sam the dragon flying out of the destroyed ceiling. He goes ghost and flies after her. Sam is carrying the unconscious Paulina. Danny flies above Sam and kicks her in the back. She falls and crashes onto the football field.

Danny: *Lands* Take it easy, Paulina. You don't want to hurt Sam. *Noticing Paulina in Sam's grasp* Paulina? *Look at Sam's face" Sam?!

Sam: *Stands up on hind legs* Shallow girl!

Danny: Yep, that's Sam.

Sam breathes fire at Danny and until a shield appears in front of Danny.

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