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I sat outside my parents house smoking, waiting on a phone call, listening to Nipsey. I needed to get my facts and mind right, before I told my dad what Johnny did, as I seat with no information. I didn't want to jump the gun telling my dad about some chump he didn't give a fuck about. On the other hand if this effected business, and my dad found out I knew about it, he would be pissed and there went my power.

My phone rung at the same time Pairis pulled up. I answered. 
    "What's up Sis." I asked my best friend Jerra threw the phone.
    "Brother!! " She said, in a happy upbeat voice. Happy to hear from me.
    "Thanks for calling me back." I told her, anxious for this call.
    "You already know, what's up." She asked, concerned.
    "You know a nigga named Ski?"  I asked her, she paused.
    "That's funnyy, that you said that." She said. Slowly. "That's why I texted, and told you, I'd call you back later, when you called earlier. Ji'Heir and I were at his funeral, were in New York, how the fuck you know Ski." She asked curious to know. Pairis walked to my window, and I waved for her to get in. I put the phone on speaker so Pairis could hear, I was going to tell her anyways.
"I don't know him, who is he ?"" I answered her honestly, hoping she knew his family.
"Then why are you asking about him all the way in Chicago, and please don't ask nobody else about him. You don't want to ask the wrong person ."She said "They might think you know something about his murder." And I about passed out. This nigga was far from a chump.
"Fuck." I said hard under my voice , for only Pairis to hear.
"What ?" She mouthed, trying to figure out what was happening.
"I don't know shit about no murder, I didn't even know the nigga was dead until you just mentioned it." I lied. I had to think of something quick. "I was only asking because I heard he was one of the head niggas in New York. And  you know I'm about to be the head of my family, with Dad retiring. We suppose to be meeting one of his business partners Papa Vito out in Vegas in a week or two .  I just wanted to know more about him, but I'm sorry to hear he was murdered, death is always hard." I told her, doing my best to cover my tracks.
    "Head nigga, that Italian was a Made nigga. And if what you just told me was true, then you would know Ski is Papa's oldest Son." My eyes bucked, I chocked on the weed smoke, going into a coughing fit. My eyes watered. I couldn't believe my fucking ears, I hoped Jerra was wrong. Or we were fucked, and I say we because Johnny was my friend my dad would surly punish me for this . I was pissed.
    "Like I said, I don't know shit about no murder, but ok Sis."
    "I hope you don't, PD. The pipeline slowed up behind this and niggas mad. I hope you ain't finally let Johnny, trouble making ass get you in some shit you can't get out off." She said. And that further irritated me. I hung up on her.

    Pairis starred at me. "Johnny killed Papas son." I finally said.
    "Johnny killed a made man." Pairis said. I shook my head.
    "You gotta help me tell Dad." I begged her.
    "Hell nah! you on yo own Brother." She said getting out the car, racing up there stairs, I followed behind her.

We stood together, in the dining room watching our parents kiss.Family pictures lined the walls.This was the worst case Scenario, he was in a good mood. Which meant he didn't know what Johnny did. Pairis dug her nails in my side, something she did since we were kids, when she knew I was in trouble, to further make me mad. I grabbed her hand and did it right back. "This ain't the time Pairis, we ain't kids." I said with my nails still in her skin.
    "That hurt." She whined , and I must admit it felt good.

   "What y'all fighting about." My mom asked as we walked up, she reached in to hug us both.
    "Nothing, Ma." I said as we embraced.
    "What's up, Pops." I spoke to my dad, shaking up.
    "I didn't know you were stopping by son. I was actually going to call you so you can sit in on this phone call with Papa, since everything's going to be yours soon." Pairis coughed. Normally I would have been happy to seat in on a meeting. I heard Jerra's voice  about Johnny and his trouble making ways, in my head. Yeah I was mad. I wanted to get this over so I could light into Johnny, so I asked my dad to his office to talk, we walked off leaving the ladies behind.

C.R.E.M.E Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now