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Later that night.

I hit the Dusse as I sped down the Grand Rapids highway. The liquor and coke, hyped me up as Lil Durk blasted through the speaker. Singing along to the music, I rolled the window down to try to spit. The cold air stung my face. My thick curly hair, blowed wildly around my face and head .My mouth was as dry as a empty toilet paper roll. I took a look sniff, drinking from my water bottle.
    "I told yo dumb ass to grab me some starburst, when we where at the gas station. Retardant as hoe, you don't listen." I screamed at her. Silence. I grabbed the bag of coke, and jammed my fingers in the bag. A mixture of coke and blood saturated my hand. I rubbed it around my gums, before I put the red and white substance up my nose. I swerved, almost hitting the guy next to me.
    "Want some." I asked, geeked. Silence.Not waiting for an answer.I shoved them same two fingers down her mouth.I finished the Düsse throwing the bottle out the window. That same car I almost hit, had to hit the brakes to keep from missing the bottle. The stranger layed on the horn. Startled I drove faster. "Yeah." I screamed. Attacking the steering wheel. I rocked my body like a rock star. "Ima Barbie girl in a Barbie world." I sang along to the voice in my head. My mouth tweaked. The voice was also telling me, I was having another Manic episode. Like a red flag, I ignored it turning the music up. "I gots to drain the monster." I told her. Screaming over the music. "You gont hold daddy's dick." I asked rubbing her ear lobe. "Bitch talk." I screamed at her. Silence. Drunk and high, I swerved the car to the right side of the street, looking for a place to piss. Drunk, high and with eight kilos of crack cocaine , I parked on the side of the road and hit my lights. The vehicle from earlier approached, slowing down he yelled something out the window about the Police. I flipped him the bird "Fuck off." I screamed. Walking around to the passenger seat, I yanked her out the car by her hair. "You coming with me bitch." I found a place not to far from the car. Satisfied . I unzipped my pants, released my dick to relieve myself. Fingers still covered in coke and blood. I pissed on my keepsake. . The wind from the cold air hit me, waking me up. I pissed with my eyes closed. Whistling.
The foot steps walking up behind me, alerted my intoxicated self.
    "What you doing out here boy." The State Trooper asked. Shinning the light. Dick in one hand, I shielded my face, with the other. "Holy Shit." He said. Stepping back, Reaching for his gun. "Is that a fucking head." He asked, gagging. I looked down at Layla's body less head. Coke and blood stained her face and now piss.
    " I cuts her cheating ass head off. Her cheating ass hands off and her cheating as feet . I bet she won't walk all over me no more, with them ugly ass toes ." I smiled. Drunk. Hardly able to stand. I heard the State trooper, call for backup.
    "Put your cock up, hands behind your back and turn away. Now, You sick fuck." The State Trooper screamed, He covered his nose with his jacket, trying not to throw up.
     "It's a dick." I said. I laughed . With my dick still slinging, I kicked that hoes head like I was preforming at the super bowl, kick off . I tried to take off running, but it was useless. The effects of the liquor and drugs had me dazed . Head spinning, I was moving slow. I thought I made it, as the car came into view. I hadn't moved nowhere, the car just seemed much closer for some reason. My feet left my body and my face hit the concrete. The State Trooper tazed me. I passed out.

When I awoke I was hand cuffed to a metal chair, In an intergation room. On the wall in front of me, the word 'STATE PRISON' starred back at me. My head hurt, as I felt a fat ass knot forming. I looked down at the orange prison jump suit and jumped up. The manic, now replaced with a scared Schizophrenic little boy. I Almost snapped my wrist when I jumped up. Why was I here. I couldn't remember shit. I began to scream for the guard, but vomit clugged my throat. I threw up and my head spinned. I noticed my bloody stained hands, as I whipped my mouth. Shit. The head.

"Well, look who's up." A detective said, stepping into the room. I looked up facing him. Another one dragged a metal chair behind him, down the hallway and  into the room. I could hear each squeak as my head pounded .

Ekkkk. Ekkkk. Ekkkk.
He dragged the metal chair across the floor. Purposely annoying me. My head hurt and it threatened to bust as I screamed.
    "Please put the fucking chair down." They starred back at me. Smart ass, squeaked the chair one last time before taking a seat. "I want my lawyer." Was the first thing I said.
    "Your in real trouble boy ." The other Detective looked at me. "Don't worry about it." He said. They needed my name. "We'll find out you real name, real soon." Hard ass said.
"Whatever." I said. Stone faced.
"Your goin away for sometime boy, for that body. Give up the source of those kilos. And we may be able to get your charges reduced." I ignored him, asking my own question.
"Why the fuck, Am I in a State Prison." I asked. Serious.
"It's your not, so lucky night boy. The county is full. So You'll chill here until your court date. And with Thanksgiving being tomorrow. You won't see a Judge till Tuesday " I rolled my eyes, annoyed. Sick, cold and hung over, I asked to be taken to my cell. I needed to lay down. And make a phone call.
"I ain't talking and I don't know shit about no drugs. Take me to my cell." I said attempting to stand. Careful not to hurt my wrist.
"Have it you way, home boy . You just better hope I still want to listen, when your ready to talk." The detective said. He opened the door motioning for the guard. "Take him to his cell."

"Open cell Nineteen." The guard yelled. The cell clanked and clacked, slowly opening. "Got you a new roomie Jazper." The guard said. Waking my Cellie up. He pushed me in the cell. " Get comfortable Jeffery Dahmer, you gont be here a long time." He chucked, hitting the steal polls. I looked at my new roomie. I huge white boy named Jazper with dreads.
"This my side, thats you side. I expect you to Keep yo side of the street clean. I ain't cleaning up after no grown ass man." Jazper said. He turned to resume sleeping . I raced to the toilet bowl, vomiting. "And Clean that shit up, too." Jazper told me. I was embarrassed. I didn't know if I was cut out for this
"Guard." I screamed. Anxious.

C.R.E.M.E Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now