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I breathed a sign of frustration as I drove slow in the snow. It had started snowing half way threw my ride to South Bend. By the time I reached the city it was a full on snow storm. The snow hadn't stuck yet, so that was good. I needed to be in and we needed to be out. I was not trying to be stuck here. I drove down Western taking in my home town. Reminiscing on my younger days. Working at Notre Dame with May,Princess and Ja'Lee, on and off for three years. Only one of us constantly called for hours, which was May, she loved to cook. All night skating. Look ins at the YMCA, whopping that bitch for slicing up my sisters face. I smiled. I haven't been home in twenty years. I pulled up into Frankies parking lot.

"Let me get two mini tips, cut fine. Sauce on the side with my bread on the top and a Pepsi."I ratted off from memory. "And keep the crunchy shit to your self." I said. Smiling. Ja'Lee stopped taking my order, she looked up.
    "Bitchhhh." She screamed. Breaking her neck to round the corner. We hugged . "Girl, What the fuck you doing here." She smiled. She still had the braces on. Ja'Lee, was one of my good hood friends that I still kept in contact with, from time to time. But the love was always gont be there.
    "I came to get my Mom."
    "Where's Bronz." She asks.
    "He's in Vegas." I told her. "How are you. And I'm happy to see the business is still in the family." I told her. It was the only black owned bbq business around, since the 90's.
    "Girl. I'm cool. Getting this money. But check you out. Bitch you a Lawyer. Big money ."She said, teasing me. I stepped back and hit a pose.
   "I look good don't I." I asked. Smiling
    "Damn Good. Fat ole ass" She gassed me.
    "Gas me up then bitch." I told her. We laughed "That's why I love yo crazy ass." I told her . She hugged me.
    "I miss you." She said. I let her know, I wasn't never coming back. But she could always come visit me. We chopped it up until her Uncle Cliffard called my ticket number.
    "Here." I passed her an invite to be in my wedding. "Be in my wedding. You know we ain't do that shit right the first time. I didn't have none of my girls with me." I told her.
    "You ain't even got to ask." She said. "Going over the invite. "New Years. As in a couple weeks." She said. Disappointed. "Bro, I might not be able to make this. Im not in no type of position, to be living outside my means right now." She said, honestly. That's why I fucked with her still. She kept it real no matter what.
    "Sayless. Send me yo Zelle." I told her, walking out with my hot food.
    "Love you." She screamed
    "I love you too, Lady." I hollered back.

I rode down Olive and parked outside my childhood house. A red camero sat out front. A weird nostalgia hit me. Good and bad memories flooded my mind. The most triggering, the relationship I had with my twin Sister May. It was time to end this. I got out and knocked, forgetting I had a key.

My mom answered the door, looking young as ever.
"Hey beautiful." I greeted Boss. Walking in the door.
"Hey Baby. I didn't think you were still coming to get me . She said, hugging me. "Hug me back girl." I hugged her tight.
"You smell good Mommy."
"That's that Za." She said. We laughed. I followed her to the living room.We took a seat on the plastic covered furniture.
    "I don't know why you insist on staying here. I bought you a brand new house." I said.
    "I'm not living across the street from yo silly tail self girl. I told you don't do that when you was five, and I told you don't do it too when you was twenty five." I laughed.
    "Fine. I'll buy you another house. If it'll make you stay in Chicago. We can look while we get ready for the wedding.
    "I'm seriously thinking about it. Things ain't felt the same since Diabetes took my girl Patty."She said.
"Yeah thats crazy. That why I need you close. You ready." I asked her.
    "Yeah I'm ready, I was waiting for you. You didn't speed did you." She asked. Concerned.
    "Nah I didn't. I need to ask you something though ." I said.
    "I knew." She told me. Looking up at me. A mother's Intuition. "I knew the day I picked her up from the rehab, by the way, shes been clean every since. I ain't never met him though, she made sure of that. I would have fought tooth and nail to get him back home. Where he belonged. And she knew that."
    "Why nobody told me. This baby is twenty eight years old. And nobody thought to tell me shit. Especially you Momma, you can't hold water." I said. Not really angry at all.
    "That's y'all's business. That shit you pulled Twenty nine years ago was foul. Had you been my Sister, I would have whopped yo ass up and down Lincolnway." She said making me feel bad. "Yo life turned out beautiful though. I'm proud of that." She smiled. "All that other shit, that's between you, and May. It started with you to." My mom said. She was right.
    "Where is she ." I asked.
    "She's upstairs." She said.
    "Give me a minute, I'll be right back." I said.
    "I'm about to put my bags in the car." She replied .
    "Ok." I ascended the stairs.I knocked at the door, at the top of the stairs. I let myself in. I knew she wouldn't answered, if I left it up to her. "Hey" I spoke. "I'm taking Mommy with me."
"Yeah, I heard." She said head in her book. Studying. I noticed the culinary books on her bed.
"I see you still got the Camero looking new."
"Thanks. That's my baby." She said. Head still in the books.
"Look." I said dropping the small talk. "I know all about Secret. I want you to know, I'm not mad at Bronz. I'm not embarrassed about the situation either. That's my karma. I deserve it, for how I played you. I owe you many congratulations and few apologies. I just hope you can forgive me." I said. She still ignored me. "I'm renewing my vows, on New Years, I'd like for you to come, Christmas Eve so we can spend our birthday together, as I family, think about it.....I Love you Sister". I said, walking out her room closing the door behind me. I just hoped she came, I wanted to put the craziness behind us. I wanted my Sister back. Taking a second I stoped in my childhood bedroom, everything was still the same. Snoop Dogg, Tupac and Dino from H-Town posters lined the walls. I had a huge boom box next to my twin size bed and a stack of old school cds, I snatched them up, they didn't make music like this anymore I thought smiling at Mary J 'My Life" cd. My smile grew wider as I stared out the window, remembering the times Bronzes Burgundy Chevy Caprice would speed down Olive, music blasting. I tried my best to seem uninterested, whole time I was obsessed with the man. So naturally when he got with my Twin, I was crushed. I won in the end though, or at least I thought I did, I'd hurt a lot of feelings along the way. Walking out the room I closed the door behind me. I had a lot of making up to do, reaching in my bra I counted out 20, $100 bills and slid them under my sisters door. I needed her forgiveness one way or another.

I grabbed my coat and purse heading out the front door. My mom was already in the car, warming it up. My phone rung in my back pocket. It was Crissta.
"Hello, is everything ok." I asked concerned about the baby.
"Yes Mommy everything's cool. I was wondering if you talked to Pairis, her phone is going straight to voicemail."She asked.
"Yeah, she called me last night. I think she said something about dropping her phone. Call Johnny, she might be with him." I told her, as I hopped in the drivers seat.
"You right. Ok Mommy talk to you later.
"Talk to you later baby." I hung up. We hit the road back to Chicago. It was time for me to plan my most wonderful winter wonderland Wedding.

C.R.E.M.E Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now