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I watched, as Ahmaya whipped past me like a runaway slave. Her bear feet , crunched under the snow. Her naked, cream colored ass stared back at me. I wondered what happened, as I made a mental note to ask Cin. The cold wind, chilled my sore scalp from my fresh locks, under my hat. I took it off and let my scalp breath. I was dressed normal, in a Prada jumpsuit, and som Ugg's I didn't plan on being here long, we had a long day ahead of us. I enjoyed the cold air as I waited for Crissta to FaceTime me. We had made plans to meet at my house earlier so she could help me, well watch me, pack for the hotel tonight and for the wedding tomorrow and get ready for the party together . In the middle of packing, she called and said her blood pressure had risen and the doctor wanted to see her and that she would FaceTime me when she knew more. Now here I stood waiting on her call, since she texted five minutes ago, and said, she was about to call in five minutes. As if on que, my phone rang. She looked like she had been crying. "What's wrong Sister, what they say." I asked her. Heart racing .
    "They said I have Pre-eclampsia . My blood pressure is high, and there's lots of protein in my urine." "They want me to stay, so they can monitor Cristein and myself." She said. Trying to look brave, so I wouldn't worry. I worried, here we go again.
    "So what aren't you telling me Crissta." I asked her. Direct.
    "They may want to take the baby in a week, when i reach eight months. The Pre-eclampsia is slowing him up from growing. Ill have to have a Cesarean" She said. Her voice quirved. My heart sank. Sad for her.
    "And Dee."
    "You know Dee, ain't nowhere around." She said, sad.
    "Do you want me to come. I'm already late, it's about to be over anyway." I told her.
    "I'm cool Sister. I'm about to sit back and find me something good to watch. Did you get that replacement phone before the mall closed earlier today for the holidays , like I asked you to." She asked me.
    "Right, my shit on 30%, right now, This piece of shit was on the charger all night, and still took a hour to cut on this morning. I dropped this muthafucka hard." I said. "But no, I did not, Miss ma, I missed it. I'll go directly there after the Wedding ." "If for some reason you can't reach me, call Johnny, I might be with him. I wanted you to see Da'Coldst fine ass, but it's cool, we have plenty of time for that." I told her.
   "Ok. And I'm sure I'll be seeing a lot of him and Secret real soon." She smiled. I Love You, Goodnight and Happy New Years." She said to me.
    "I Love You, Goodnight and Happy New Years, to you to Sister. Talk to you later."I told her . We hung up. And as soon as we hung up, I missed her. I made a mental note, to call her, before I went to bed, looking at my percentage.

On my way in the house, I spotted Da'Coldst, handsome self, jumping out his Yukon, late. Like me, he had on regular clothes. Jeans, a button down with some Jordan's. He wore an old school Pelle Pelle. With just the chain around his neck. He didn't look flashy. I longed to know his back story.
    "Hey Miss. Pretty Lady." He said. "Can I walk in with you." I smiled. Shaking my head yes. He gave me his arm as he walked up on me, smiling, hard, I took it, intertwining our arms.
    "We don't bite." I told him, white Christmas lights lead the was as we entered the Masion.

Fresh pine, from the real Christmas tree, my family and I decorated together, filled our nostrils. I looked up at it smiling, I love it, I loved real Christmas trees.
    "Richie Rich, had this same tree." He said. Caught off guard, I looked at him crazy, cracking up laughing.
    "What the fuck does that mean."
    "Nothing. It's cool." He said. Grabbing a candy cane.

"Whhh, hold up." He said, grabbing my arm, slowing up. "What is she doing her." He asked.
    "Who." I asked him.
     "Cin'Tina." He said, motioning towards Cin. The crowd was light, most of everybody had left. Cin sat to the side, at one of the party tables, she looked annoyed, ready to leave, but looked as if she was waiting for someone.
    "She works for me." "And she's my ex fling "I told him, being straight up. He look at me. Disappointing panged his face. "Don't worry. You still have a shot." I told him. "She doesn't know, I know, my twin has been dropping dick." I told him. Laughing.
    "Paradise." He asked.
    "Paradise." I said, walking away. How he like them apples. He speed walk to catch up with me, as we rounded the corner out of Cin view. I grabbed a glass of Champagne in search of my parents, so I hit the back yard. They where back there talking to Paradise, and Johnny was passed out drunk in the chair. Da'Coldst followed my every step, as we stepped out into the cold, my mom had a mini ice rink installed.
    "Happy New Years, y'all." I greeted my family. Still In the Christmas spirit. "It's cold out here." I said.
    "Thanks baby. Where, were you. It's over now. We going to bed, we gotta be up in a few hours for the wedding." My mom said, yawning. "Are you still staying at the hotel. So you can be closer to the church." She asked.
    "Yeah, I was Packing. That's why I was late."
    "Late. Always late. Where's Crissta." She asked.
    "She's cool. She decided to rest up. She said to tell you she'll see you at the wedding." I lied. I didn't want to alarm her on her big day. "This is Da'Coldst, mom, Secrets brother." I said.
    "We've meet." She said smiling, acknowledging him. He smiled back speaking.
    "Happy New Years." He said.
    "Thanks. Where's Secret ?" She asked him.
    "He said he had to make a run. But that he would be at the wedding." He said.
     "I understand that. But you tell him this Ive been waiting to meet him. And I'd like to do that, before I Marry his father again. You understand that." She asked.
    "I understand. I'll tell him." He said.
    "Good. Nice to see you again , I'm going to bed y'all, she told the family, we saw her off. Pops stayed behind, to walk me to my car. Paradise and Da'Coldst, ignored each other I nugged Johnny drunk ass. "Get up bro. Nigga get up ." I pushed him. "Come on let's go. We going to the room." I told him.
    "Fool get the fuck up." Paradise said. Smacking Johnny in the back of the head. He jumped up drunk, stunned. Rubbing the back of his head.
    "Man, fuck you." He stumbled. Paradise and Da'Coldst caught him. One on each side. "Y'all bring him to my car !"

Sitting in my car, rolling up, while it warmed up, my dad, stood outside my window, smoking a cigar. We watched as Paradise and Da'Coldst, dragged Johnny to my car, in his socks. His silly self carried his Jordan's in his hand.
    "Ok. Alright Baby Bop , be safe, I love you and goodnight." He kissed my cheek. He walked off.
    "Nite daddy , love you." I yelled after him. The boys approached the car. Da'Coldst slipped his phone, in my window, on the dial pad. I entered my number. They threw Johnny in the backseat, slamming the door. They went there separate ways. I passed his phone back and rolled up my window. I lite the blunt, as I rode the whole hour to the hotel in silence. I missed Crissta, I wondered what she was doing. I reminded myself to call her when I got to the room, as I tore the highway up.

Forty five minutes later, I was rubbing my feet together, in the big king size bed, the lights were off . My locks were wrapped, My body fresh from a shower. A thick heated blanket, draped my body. I yawned. Tipsy and tired, I laid my head back on the soft pillow. I called myself trying to charge my broke phone next to me, but after thrity minute on the charger it still said fifteen precent, so I gave up.
    "You sure about this." Da'Coldst asked. Stretched out on the couch, across from me, with his shirt off. He called me, when I got to the hotel. I needed helped getting Johnny's drunk ass out the car and into his room, so I agreed when he asked if he could come see me. I didn't plan on doing anything, with him, at all. I liked his company though.
    "It's cool. Just stay yo ass over there." I told him.
    "So what we gont do." He said yawning.
    "Talk." I said. Half sleep.
    "Girl. It's three in the morning, what we gont talk about." He replied.
     "New Edition or Bobby Brown." I asked him. Eyes closed. His deep sexy laughter carried
    "Bobby Brown." He said, laughing and I agreed. We talked for about ten more minutes before the softness of the bed had me , I was out like a light. I heard him snore as I feel into a deep sleep.

Hands bloody, screaming and in a panic I beat on the sliding doors of the emergency room as they took there time to open. I stepped back, giving it space, it opened. "Help, I need fucking help! "  I yelled as I raced down the emergency room, hallways. In front of me, my Aunt May stood. With some chocolate dude. I stop, and I notice I'm sounded by family. "I need help, come with me, right fucking now, come with me." I scream at the nurse. But nobody's moves, I grab chocolates hand and we beat it out the door......"

I jumped up out of my dream in a pool of sweat. Hot I threw the heated blanket on the floor. Mouth dry, I downed the Pepsi I had next to the bed, I checked the time grabbing my phone and air pods, it was five in the morning. Making my way to the bathroom, I peeped I only had three percent left , I looked at my phone, I FaceTime Crissta.
    "Why you ain't sleep." She asked, answering the phone. I smiled, sleepy.
    "I woke up, to call you. How's the baby." I asked her.
    "He fine, but there going to take him. Next Monday." She told me "And girl, you'll never guess."
    "What." I asked her.
    "Dee, snuck up here." She said happy.
    "Ain't that something." I said, really happy for her, I knew he loved her and I knew she loved him. And wished he could be there with her every step of the way. There wasn't nothing in this world she wouldn't did for Dee.
    "We argued about his name, but everything was cool."
    " I'm happy for you Sister. Ima let you get some sleep. Well have a baby soon. I Love you, I love you, I love y'all."
    "We love you to, Sister. Goodnight, talk to you tomorrow." She said. We hung up. 

I walked to the foot of my bed, pieces of the dreams i just had , clogged my conscience. I dropped to my knees, praying against an destruction. I felt a heavy arm drap mine, as Da'Coldst bowed his head to pray with me. Afterwards, I allowed him to hold and lay with me as we drifted back off into sleep.

C.R.E.M.E Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now