On Guard: Part 1

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A sharp slap landed on Jisoo's face. The sting only grew her anger.

She didn't even want to touch her in the first place. A pang of guilt did hit her as she saw flushed cheeks and bright, burning ears.

"I didn't mean to touch you there." Jisoo answered with her head down in guilt. "You might've gotten hurt."

"I don't care! What gives you the right to even stand near me?!"

"I'm your bodyguard?"

"That doesn't matter!" Jennie screamed in her face, furthering Jisoo's humiliation. She could see Rosé frowning from her peripheral vision.

Rosie, turn away. Please, this is so embarrassing.

"I don't wanna see you near me again for the day!" The young idol marched away with her members following behind her.

Trust me, I want the same.

Jisoo waited to make sure they all had left. She meekly looked up to see most of the crowd had dispersed.

She energetically stretched before sauntering away from the spot to the sidewalk, awaiting the call from YGE to give her another warning.

Only five minutes later she got the most exciting call of her life. As soon as she hung up, she gave it a moment to process.

It happened.

I'm free.

"YES!!" Jisoo jumped up, startling the pedestrians on the sidewalk.

"I JUST GOT FIRED!!" Jisoo ran around like she had just won gold in the olympics. "I'M FREE FROM JENNIE KIM!"

She grabbed the shoulders of a poor old lady passing by. "Grandma, I'm free!"

"Good lord, they need to make the asylum much more secure!" Jisoo ignored the comment and ran around, cheering.

Jisoo was celebrating with fried chicken when she got a call from Lisa.

"Heard the news, loser."


"Deal. I'll try to invite Bunny and Hyunnie without Jennie knowing."

Jisoo hung up and devoured her lunch and decided to nap before going out for the night. She was planning to get absolutely wasted.


"Good evening, ladies." Jisoo brightly smiled for the first time in a while. "How is everyone on this fine night?" She held up her hand as a pretend microphone.

"Apparently, not as wonderful as you." Irene spoke into it.

"You are correct my dear, Hyunnie." Jisoo sandwiched herself between Lisa and Nayeon, across from Irene and her secret girlfriend, Seulgi.

"Gross. You both used my party to meet each other." The other three cringed at the couple.

"Hey," Irene slapped her hand playfully. "You're holding a party for getting fired by my best friend, this is basically a bribe for not snitching."

"What's she gonna do if she finds out? Fire me?" Jisoo jumped up "Ha! She can't!"

"Jennie is not the horrible person you make her out to be, Chu."

"To you! She's not horrible to you!" The girl backed up at her argument. Jisoo definitely was mistreated by the idol compared to them. And oddly, only Jisoo.

She was fine with the rest of the staff. They would all stand up for Jennie at any instance.

One of the reasons Jisoo didn't even try to speak up about her is because she knew Jennie would win. Who's gonna trust some random bodyguard over a well known idol? No one, that's who.

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