Game Over

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Jennie stood in front of the screen.

You think you won this?

The character on the screen just stared back at her menacingly.

Chu loves me more than you!

"Jen, baby, what are you doing?"

Jisoo, who had left to grab some food, came back to see Jennie glaring at her gaming computer.

Jennie looked at Jisoo, her glare quickly turning to a pout.

"Kim Jisoo." Jennie slowly started walking towards her. "I have been over here for almost an hour."

Jennie pulled Jisoo closer by the collar of her pajamas. "And you haven't even spared me a look!"

"Instead, you've been playing dress up to a bunch of pixels!"

Jisoo, amused by Jennie's actions, just smiled and pulled her closer.

"You promised to let me play if I came shopping with you all day." Jisoo smirked "I suffered enough yesterday, am I not allowed to enjoy my reward?"

"I hate you." Jennie pushed Jisoo off just to sit down on the couch and crossed her arms.

Jisoo smiled to herself as she went back to her computer.

Jennie was surprised not to see Jisoo come after her. Just as she got up to leave, she was pushed back onto the couch.

"Go back to your game." Jennie grunted as she tried to push off Jisoo and continued to give her light punches "I don't want you."

Jisoo just laughed at her and fell on top of Jennie, sending them both to lay flat.

"Stop fighting, I just closed my game. I want my Jendeukie back." Jisoo pushed her face into Jennie's neck.

"Stoppp! Chu, it tickles!" A giggling Jennie tried to push away Jisoo who was now tickling her sides.

Jennie pulled herself up and managed to pin down her hands.

Jisoo didn't even break a sweat, she just gave her a teasing smile before quickly freeing her hands and pulling down Jennie by her neck to kiss her.

"Ouch." Jisoo whined when Jennie hit her again.

"That's for paying more attention to your Genshit game than me."

Jisoo giggled as Jennie came back down so she could continue to kiss her.

Once they had calmed down, Jennie fell back and tangled her hands in Jisoo's hair as she complained about her games.

The scent of Chanel slowly taking over her senses, Jisoo just agreed to whatever request Jennie made as she laid her head on her chest.

" no more games when I'm here!"

"If it gets me more Jennie time, I don't mind playing 24/7." Jisoo teased.


Jisoo just laughed before kissing Jennie's poutt away.

"No games when I have myself a Jennie Kim. Got it."

Jisoo poked Jennie's cheeks as she got up off the couch.

The girls made dinner together, with Jisoo hugging Jennie every chance she got and fell asleep on the couch watching their favourite show.

Jisoo momentarily woke up, careful with her movements, just to pull up their blanket.

She picked up her phone to check the time.

12:34 am

She was about to open the game on her phone when her eyes darted to Jennie who was slightly whimpering in her sleep.

Jisoo put her phone down and went back to cuddling with Jennie.

No games when I have a Jennie Kim.


I hate reading anything remotely angsty so here's this to make up for the previous story :)

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