Proud Lion and Greedy Dragon (2)

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As we made our way the area seems to be less inhabited the closer we get to Johanna Church. Even though most of the creature's desruction is in said church the people probably wouldn't take their chances being near its wrath.

But we still have a long way to go, and I do wonder how my presence was known. I know having a human among these beastmen is big news yet to be even searched for by princes is too much.

My curiosity grows more until I decided to speak up about my thoughts:

Quinnii: "If I may ask, how have you known me this quickly?"

Fahreal answers with a grin across his face:

Fahreal: "Well through some interrogation from that foolish wolf prince and the stories said by the pure-hearted prince of Taurhaune we were able to know about your existance. Not only that, news has spread fast from your first appearance in Espeirio."

"Wait, Silver was caught?" I asked dumbfounded.

Fahreal: "Aha! So you did aid him in his escape! But it did take the gaurds some time to seize him."

The dragon smile turns more sinister before continuing:

Fahreal: "Maybe you are more valuable than I thought. I'd like to welcome you my kingdom aft- Ahk!"

It was the lion's turn to elbow his partner.

Sar: "Quinnii hasn't chosen yet. Well, as if he'd pick you."

The two glare at each other again, but I stop them from fighting through another question:

Quinnii: "How have you attain the information from Prince Silver and Prince Anuki?"

The two stop from their little fight, then Sar speaks up.

Sar: "Well since the factions had the agreement of living together, many things are shared between them; resources, knowledge, a lot of stuff."

Fahreal: "But still, Silver running away again and Anuki getting overpowered by a flower is really something!"

He chuckles a bit.

Sar: "Besides that, is it true that you're trying to find a new master Quinnii?"

Quinnii: "Yes I am, though I am having troubles of who I shall serve."

Sar: "Well hopefully you'll find one soon. One that wouldn't waste such a jewel like you.~"

Sar then tried to make an advance but Fahreal nudges him away.

Fahreal: "He's mine!"

Sar: "Oh shut up!"

I'm never going to avoid having these two fight aren't I?



Sar: "There it is Johanna Church, or what's left of it."

He points towards us, a couple meters ahead was the place we are headed to. The church looked way beyond repair, and damage this severe simply wouldn't be done by an angered Church Grim.

"It seems the spirit may actually be under something's hold." Fahreal backs up my suspicion.

We continue to march. The area around us grows more eerie. It's too quiet.

The environment turns darker as the sun dissapears into the night, adding more to the ghostly feeling.

We reach the entrance of the church. The building's condition is much worse up-close. The creature took it's time making this place look unwelcoming.

I turn to the two beastmen, both of them notice and turn their gazes at me. I walked closer to them then spoke up:

Quinnii: "Hold onto me please, I'll cast a spell that will mitigate any damage."

The two look at each other then back at me. Sar put his arm around my waist while Fahreal grabbed onto my behind. Surprised, I muttered while blushing:

Quinnii: "G-great princes this isn't the time to be fooling around."

Their smiles grew more sinister.

Fahreal: "Well you didn't specify where to hold onto.~"

Sar: "So we aren't at fault here.~"

Quinnii: "A-ah. Understood."

I closed my eyes and remembered to control my breathing despite the situation I got myself in. Then casted:


It's green aura shines onto my body then spreads to Sar's and Fahreal's own. I opened my eyes, both of them are still holding me.

Quinnii: "U-uhm. The spell is casted onto us, you can let go of me now."

Fahreal: "Aww but I was enjoying grasping your soft butt."

Sar: "We're on a mission here so maybe another time."

I turn to the church, then all three of us enter. Sar and Fahreal decided to check the graveyard while I searched through the mangled church.

Besides the wreckage I see no signs that may explain the creature's behaviour. I tried digging through the debris yet still no evidence.

After some thorough inspection I still haven't found anything. I should go to Sar and Fahreal and report my end of the search.

I walked to a door that leads to the graveyard the two went but stopped right through it.



The Church Grim...

*3rd POV Sar and Fahreal's side*

The two kept on searching, going through the many rows of broken graves. Some of the plants have died while others overgrown. Yet still no glimpse of the spirit.

Sar: "Anything new?"

Fahreal: "Nope."

They decided to wait seeing if the human may come up with any news. They still try to look around if the creature may finally show up.





Sar & Fahreal: "Hm?"

They turn towards the sound and called out to see if it may be Quinnii or other people that decided to enter the place as well. But no response.

They quickly turn from each other, readying their weapons for any threat that will appear.


The cry sounded near yet they still have no idea where this Church Grim may be.

Quick footsteps then are heard. Going around the two, maybe waiting for a chance to strike.

It kept going until the creature leaps towards them. They may not see the spirit but someone else can.


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