Outgoing Shark and Secluded Bear (1)

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Quinnii: "Ngh!"

The sea serpent puts up quite a fight as they keep at their swift assualt. The beast is armored with bluish scales, equipped with eyes to quickly search its hunt, and possesses a large maw paired with needle-sharp teeth.

 The beast is armored with bluish scales, equipped with eyes to quickly search its hunt, and possesses a large maw paired with needle-sharp teeth

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Quinnii: "Carna- Agh!"

The sea serpent strikes again preventing me to cast a spell.


It lets out a shrill noise, obviously displeased by the agression they're given.

This request is far more difficult than my previous one with Sar and Fahreal. But seeing as there is no other quests I had no option but to accept.

They lunge at me for another time but I leapt high and landed onto its head. I stretched out my arms taking the chance to finally yell out an incantation:

Quinnii: "Kinbak!"

Several potals open up and chains shot out of them. It wraps around the creatures jaw and fastens itself tightly. Yet despite that the beast breaks the binds with ease.

Quinnii: "Hu-? Ugh!"

The air in my lungs quickly leaves as the serpent uses their tail to whip me off of its body. I roll onto the muddy ground and quickly got up. I tried to catch my breath but I was interrupted by another attack from its tail.

"Gah!" I shout once more as I was unable to dodge their strike.

"Ignus!" I casted blindly midair to give me some time to recover. And it worked seeing as it had struck at the beast's side.

I fell onto the ground and quickly ready myself for another attack. Yet the serpent was nowhere to be found.

I look around me for any signs of the creature while still having my guard up.

It's silent. The only sounds I hear are my fast heartbeat, the flowy air, and the crashing water.



"Ah-!" I yelled as I felt the serpent's body quickly envelop mine.

"Ngh! Nieyb- Mmph!" I tried to send forth a spell that can freeze the beast yet it was too swift to silence me.

I struggle all I can yet the sea serpent doesn't let go if its hold. It dives down bringing me as well.

"Mpf!" I struggle more furiously to avoid drowning but doesn't work either.

The light above shrinks as the beast continues to drag me down the depths of its home. Bubbles of my wasted breath float to the surface as I slowly lose consciousness.





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