Chapter 1

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It all started when a baby was born that emitted light from its body. That started the era of superpowers, in the beginning not many had these powers but soon enough 80% of the world's population would have them.

But that wasn't the only power that humankind would get, no something forgotten reemerged Magic that anyone could wield, be it with superpowers or not.

Now we call those superpowers "Quirks", as it's common where there is power there is greed, and some use their power for themself we call these people Villains and those that rise against them Heroes.

A bus is seen heading to a facility for training young heroes as well as strange creatures that are following the bus, they look like beasts from a fantasy novel. Inside the bus students are talking to each other and some have animals in their hands or alongside them.

Yet there is one girl in the front who has neither a beast nor an animal with her. She has long black hair tied into a ponytail which is slightly spiky with a strand on the right of her face. Sharp and narrow onyx-colored eyes giving her a determined expression. Although one can see anguish in her face as her hand clutch a piece of paper in her hands.

"Am I really good enough to be here? I mean I think I have good control over my quirk but my magic always either explodes or doesn't activate. *sigh* Yet why won't a familiar answer my call for 3 years I have tried but nothing *sigh*. The girl was in conflict over herself, for her thoughts revolved around if she even belonged inside the UA hero course.

As it was custom to summon a familiar at the age of 12 to help its summoner be it everydaylife or for the job. The ritual was simple: on a special piece of paper one must draw a symbol that pops up into one's mind and let mana flow throughout the paper while visualizing a door for the summon to come out of.

For those that do not summon a familiar by the end of their 16 birthday. Well they will have a slim chance of ever receiving one.To become a hero one must have a familiar for they are essential for gathering information or calling help from fellow heroes. And that is where the girl struggles as no familiar ever steps through that door.

Girl's POV

"Why won't you come forth when I try to summon you? Why WHY! ALL I WANT FROM YOU IS TO ANSWER IS THAT SO HARD!!!??? *sigh* Calm yourself Momo maybe it's my fault I mean my magic explodes in my face often enough for my classmates to call me explody Witch grrr I hate that boy for giving me that nickname he literally has a quirk called Explosion but calls me explody Witch?" While I was questioning why my familiar isn't answering my call Kyoka was trying to get my attention:


"AH huh what?" I look right, to see Kyoka, my best friend since the start of UA, look at me with a glare that was a mix of worried and pissed off. "Oh that isn't good right?"

"Ahhh I'm sorry Kyoka but what was it you were saying?" I smiled brightly to my friend, who wouldn't let her glare lessen against me. Well that is concerning.

"I ask if your alright only for you to ignore me for 5 minutes straight Yaomomo. Care to explain why you ignored me hmmmm?"

"Hahaha I didn't want to, I swear Kyoka. It was just the usual concerns on my mind really, I am sorry I ignored you please forgive me?" Giving her my kitty eyes as i call them. Sue me, I had a bad event with a dog and never want anything to do with them at all.

" *sigh* I swear you are one of the top students of the school yet you space out so much. I know you are concerned because you're familiar won't answer but please don't stress yourself so much ok?"

"Hmm I will, it's just this month is my last try for me to summon one or I will be expelled, you heard Aizawa-sensei. If by month's end I don't summon it I must leave the hero course." Looking back down at the piece of paper that has become the bane of my existence the last few years. Especially now that my dream is on the line because my stupid familiar isn't answering me.

"I swear you better be a dragon or high spirit. If not then I will have a mental breakdown! Please Please be strong and show me that I can be a hero that I belong here. I beg of you to answer next time." I heard Kyoka exhale beside me and then suddenly she hugged me to soothe me of my thoughts that have been becoming more dark these last few weeks.

"Everything will be ok Momo your familiar will answer and he/she will be the strongest in class I just know it." And that is why you are my best friend. I thought as I hugged her back, temporarily forgetting that damn piece of paper. Yet peace wasn't for me it seemed.

"Ok problem children we are here come on get moving or i will expel you." Aizawa-sensei really likes that phrase and I now know it is not a bluff like I thought at the quick assessment test.


How did this all happen? What did we do to deserve this? In the beginning everything was fine then suddenly Kirishima pointed out that the school had fake villains to fight and all went to hell. Aizawa-sensei told 13 to protect us then jumped down the stairs to fight the villains in the main plaza. As we were moving to the exit a mist villain blocked our path and Bakugo as well as Kirishima tried to fight him only to be teleported away.
Then me, Kyoka and Kaminari were suddenly on the Mountain section of the USJ fighting for our life's. Only to come into the Plaza to see our Sensei on the ground bleeding and a bird monster hovering over our teacher. When suddenly the door to the USJ was blown open by a not smiling Allmight to standing on top of the stairs while Allmight fought that bird monster.

Then to Allmight losing against said monster and now I'm on the bottom of the stairs thanks to the mist villain again.

"You know at first I wanted to kill you Allmight... but why not break your spirit a little, hmm? I wonder what will happen when I kill one of your students right in front of your eyes? Will you cry? Will you curse? Or my personal favorite will you break? HAHAHAHAHAHA" The villain with hands all over him laughed while I couldn't move. I'm paralyzed and afraid I don't want to die. I don't want to leave this world yet.

"Nomu kill the girl and make it slow as well as painful. I want to hear her scream!" The hand villain commanded "the Nomu" as he called it, it walked to me and then ran. My mind was screaming at me to do something to escape death. Suddenly I felt something in my hand. It was the summoning paper.

"PLEASE I NEED YOU. PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO DIE YET. PLEASE SAVE ME!" I yelled for all to hear while clutching the paper to my heart praying that my familiar hears me and comes to my rescue. When I look up, I see Nomu lifting its fist to punch me and close my eyes when suddenly I feel a huge gust of wind in front of me.

"Are you the one who summoned me here?" a deep yet smooth voice asked from my front so I timidly opened my eyes to see a 6 foot tall man. He had black clothes on that would fit in the Victorian era. A black coat that reached to his ankles and had a military look to it. As well as black boots and pants that were loose yet looked nice on him. His face was absolutely perfect boyish yet roguish with beautiful emerald green eyes. With long forest green hair pulled back into a ponytail. I was so dumbfounded from where this man had come from that I didn't realize he was holding the Nomu fist without problems. While the Nomu hit the man's arm to free itself he asked again.

"I ask again, are you the one who summoned me here?" Finally my mind caught up on the fact that he was talking to me and my eyes widened at what I heard summoned. I looked down. "No why, why did I summon a human!? I knew it. I'm not fit to be a part of the hero course ah I will die here. Accomplishing nothing, I was foolish to think I can be as strong as Mirko or Ryukyu." Tears formed in the corner of my eyes as I knew death was coming and all I could do was summon a human that would also die. Suddenly I hear Nomu screeching and look up. It seemed the man wanted to ask something again only to stop and glare at Nomu. It was then that reality hit me. He is holding the Nomus fist as an adult would hold a child's fist.

"You're a nuisance so begone from my sight." The man simply lifted Nomus fist letting go and elbowed it in the gut sending Nomu flying to the otherside of the USJ. My jaw dropped open as far as a lady's jaw was allowed to drop without it being unladylike amazed at what this man was capable of. When the Nomu once more was in front of the man ready to punch him. Who blocks and sends it flying back a few feet back again before addressing the monster.

"You are not truly alive are you? Pitiful creature, I shall end your suffering. I hope you find peace in the afterlife and your next life. Purgatory Flare Layer 1" A green,orange and blue flame suddenly sprung to life in the man's palm. I was mesmerized by its beauty before he shot it at the monster incinerating it beyond ash. He turned to me once more looking right into my eyes asking again his question.

"I shall ask one final time, are you the one who summoned me?"

Jaded Demonlord and Unsure WitchWhere stories live. Discover now