Chapter 2

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??? POV

"Huh the foolishness of the races never ceases to amaze me... truly who would have thought that they would see me as the enemy." I say to myself remembering the last few years of my life. Even though I have done nothing more than my duty as the world's demon lord they believe I am evil. They ignore the wishes of the world and try to kill me.

"I miss you two so much, I regret nothing but the fact that I wasn't fast enough to reach you. That god if i could i would kill him over and over again for keeping me away when you needed me most Reama, Shymi." Thinking of them again I can feel myself grow even colder again. Why me? I have done everything I was asked of so why? Must I suffer alone with no friend to call my own no lover to hold me and assure me that I'm not alone at night. The god and goddesses took that from me just because of their corruptness as well as their fear of judgment from the world.

"Do you hate me for doing your bidding? Have you forsaken me as well? I killed all 1700 corrupt gods and left the 300 young ones alone as they were innocent only for you to forsake me as well?" I question the world which gave me my duty even if it was foolish of me as I know better than any that it won't answer.

"*sigh*" I continue down the hallway of my mansion making my way to the last storage/library. As of today I will leave this mansion before the races blow it to high heaven. Reaching my destination I quickly placed all my books as well as magic ores in my storage magic before looking around one last time.

"This should be all. Now to create a fake body as bait so they believe I'm dead." I cut a small wound on my hand and begin the magic sequence and watch as a perfect copy is created of me, soulless yet a perfect copy. "Good now they should leave me alone once I find a place to call home. ... "Home" was this really my home? I have only used it to sleep as well as research magic for the last 30-40 years. Can I really call this home when there is no one to welcome me home, none to share a meal with?"

"Hmm now that I think about it I have lived here as long as that tugging sensation on the back of my mind. Yet I know it isn't the world that is tugging it so what is it? The last time was a few days ago if I remember right. I swear I heard a voice that sounded female, not like the world which is a mix of both."


"WHY! ... WANT...... YOU..... ANSWER...... HARD!!!???"

*Flashback End*

"Huh answer? Answer what exactly? That was the first time I heard the voice with the tugging. Hmmm maybe i should speak the nex-"

"PLEASE I NEED YOU. PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO DIE YET. PLEASE SAVE ME!" I heard a shout vibrate through my mind. It was desperate like a voice on the verge of death and the tugging was stronger than ever before but it felt as if my soul was being pulled too. Suddenly I perceived the voice of the world too.

"You have fulfilled your duty my demon lord, your freedom awaits you."

Suddenly the scene around me changed. No longer was I in my mansion but in a sort of building that had different areas? But more importantly a young lady stood before me, her eyes closed and it seemed she was paralysed with fear. My body moved on instinct alone from feeling something trying to attack her through me. Catching its fist in my hand I held it there with ease looking at the young women more closely.

Her Outfit was outlandish to me yet I had seen primal tribes wearless. A red outfit with a few white accents yet left little to the imagination at her chest area. As well as a yellow belt around her waist with what looks like pockets. I could see a few faint muscles in her arms but saw that her legs had more." She must like red as her whole Outfit is of said color but enough of that did she summon me?" With that in mind I asked her.

"Are you the one who summoned me here?"

I noticed that my words held more mana in them as was normal yet that thought was put on hold once the woman opened her eyes. It seemed just as I was studying her it was her turn to study me. Yet all I could do was look into her mesmerizing onyx eyes, noticing that she was 5'8" foot tall. "Foot? AH i must be in another world than makes sense since the mana is more crude here than my world." Coming to my senses somewhat because of the beast that I was holding as it tried to free itself from me by punching my arm which felt as if a infant was trying to gain my attention.

"I ask again, are you the one who summoned me here?"

I saw the woman's eyes grow wide then look down shortly after tears were forming in the corner of her eyes." Huh, did I do something wrong? All I asked was if she was the one to summon me so why are tears forming in the corner of her eyes? Shymi would kill me if she saw this." Thinking of what one of my best friends would do if she was still alive. I panicked internally. I was about to ask her if she was alright. When I heard a screeching.

"REEEHHHHHH" the beast screeched I turned slightly glaring at it for interrupting me when I was talking to a lady.

"You're a nuisance so begone from my sight" Lifting my hand as well as the beast's fist I let go and then bent slightly elbowing it in the gut sending it flying to the otherside of the building. Yet to my surprise the beast was almost instantly back trying once more to hit me. Blocking the fist then very lightly punching it back a few feet I saw why it returned so quickly.

"You are not truly alive are you? Pitiful creature, I shall end your suffering. I hope you find peace in the afterlife and your next life. Purgatory Flare Layer 1"

Using a spell designed to fight the undead I unleashed the flames of the underworld at it returning it back to the cycle of life and death. " Necromancy huh but this one doesn't use it to bring peace to the living but despair. I will deal with it in due time now back to my question." Turning to the young lady again I look into her eyes and once more ask.

"I shall ask one final time, are you the one who summoned me?"

Jaded Demonlord and Unsure WitchWhere stories live. Discover now