Chapter 5- It's a... D-Day!

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Mycroft and Tara had not told anyone about the pregnancy. They wanted to wait until she was past the first trimester and then announce. But Tara wanted to wait until it was absolutely necessary, which meant until she started showing. It wasn't very long until they told everyone considering she had gone through most of her first trimester without even realizing she was pregnant. Mrs. Hudson and Grace already knew since they were present when Tara found out. Sherlock knew because he was Sherlock, so by proxy John knew too. Rosie was the only one who didn't know, which led to a very uncomfortable conversation for John. What everybody didn't know was Tara and Mycroft were expecting twins. When they finally told their friends, Mrs. Hudson insisted on throwing the couple a party, saying after everything all of them had been through they needed some joy. Tara tried very hard but in the end, surrendered and went to the party, which had led to an upsetting conversation with Sherlock.

'So, how far along are you?' Sherlock asked Tara.

Tara forced a polite smile, 'About four months' she replied.

Sherlock's eyes almost bulged, 'Four months?! How many babies have you got in there? Are you sure it's just two? You think it's two, the next thing you know you've birthed Mycroft a litter' he said.

Mycroft looked up from his dinner and shot Sherlock a glare, silently telling his brother to cut it out, knowing his wife was in a very fragile state, 'Just two' Tara muttered, as hormone-induced tears brimmed in her eyes... Normally, Tara would have smacked Sherlock on the head for that comment but with the new hormones rushing through her veins, she felt like she could break down into a puddle of tears.

Looks flew around the room, 'Shut up, Sherlock' the whole party scolded Sherlock. The poor woman was already so stressed, she didn't need Sherlock adding more things to her plate of worries.

Later, John found Mycroft standing outside on the street. He walked up to Mycroft, 'How are you doing?' he asked.

Mycroft glanced at John briefly, 'I am good, thank you' he said flatly.

John cocked his head to the side, 'Good is what you're going with? You're standing outside in the cold, alone and you're not even smoking' he pointed out.

Mycroft huffed a small laugh, 'Well, Tara cannot smoke anymore and weirdly enough I am not used to smoking without her' he admitted reluctantly.

John smiled faintly then sighed, 'You know she is my best friend, right?' he asked.

Mycroft flashed a knowing grin, 'Yes, Dr. Watson, I'm aware. What are you getting at?' he asked.

John raised his brows, 'Friends talk' he said

Mycroft nodded, 'Has she said anything that concerns you?' he asked bluntly.

John cocked his head in thought, 'Recently, no. But two years ago, she had a lot to say' he reminded Mycroft.

Mycroft knew now what John was getting at, 'Things were different back then' he sighed.

John chuckled wryly and hot him a confused look, 'You told her you expected her to have an abortion if she got pregnant' he wasn't going to be sensitive about the whole thing. It was an open fire on Mycroft.

Mycroft sighed and nodded, 'I was still getting used to having one person in my life, the thought of increasing that number seemed improbable' he explained briefly.

'And now?' John asked.

Mycroft shrugged, 'I have had time and practice'.

'You're saying you're ready?' John said doubtfully.

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