Chapter 1: Does Love Exist?

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"Love... What is the meaning of it? Does it even exist? I wouldn't even have to think about it if Y/N hadn't appeared in my life that day... Not until the day I lost her..."

Y/N's POV:

2 Years Ago...

I was just a college student walking along a busy street in Chicago. I heard a loud cry from one of the dark alleyways.

Without hesitation, I ran towards where the scream came from. I saw five people - four men and one woman wearing a distinct black and white spiral-striped jacket, ganging up on a frail-looking kid. It took me a while to recognize him. The kid was JunPei from art class.

"Junpei.. more like JunPig" one of the men mocked and punched him in the face. The others laughed along.

"No.. please.. stop." Junpei pleaded.

Rage flowed through me. Injustice - the strong bullying the weak - is one of the things I cannot stand. I had to do something. Quick.

"Stop!" I shouted as I ran towards the bullies. What was I doing? I did not have a plan. Junpei gave me a frail gaze, too wrecked up to do anything.

"Pfft. Who do you think you are, nosy bitch? Wonder-woman?" The woman bully said. The four men surrounded me.


My vision was blurry. My ears were ringing. Blackness overtook me.

The next thing I knew, I was lying on a hospital bed. I opened my eyes. My head was pounding. Sharp and heavy. It felt like the world was spinning and I wanted to throw up.

"Y/N, you're awake! Are you alright?" A soft-spoken voice asked. My vision was too blurry to see his face.

I could only gently shake my head as I was too debilitated to speak. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, then opened them again. I could slowly see clearly again. That was the moment I realized Fushiguro Megumi was sitting right next to me.

Fushiguro Megumi? One of the students from my Psychology class. I've always seen him from a distance. Never so up close before. We barely even spoke. What is he doing here?

"Fushiguro? What happened? Am I dead?" I asked with all my might. My voice was shaky. And my head was still throbbing.

"No, you're not. One of the bullies back there slammed your head with a wooden board and you passed out." Fushiguro explained.

"Oh," I said. I was still confused.

"I heard a loud cry from the alleyway so I went to see what happened. The next thing I saw was you lying on the ground unconscious and Junpei crying in the corner." Fushiguro said.

"Is Junpei alright? And the bullies?" I asked.

"Yes, Junpei is in the next room. Itadori is with him right now. I beat up 4 of the bullies and called the police. They're restrained now. But one of them got away before the cops could get a hold of her. " Fushiguro said.

"Oh, I see. But I'm glad. Thank you for saving me, Fushiguro. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably be a goner by now." I replied.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened? Why were you and Junpei in the alleyway?" he asked with a concerned look on his face.

I explained what happened. Fushiguro tilted his head quizzically with a look of puzzlement across his face.

"That was a stupid move, I know," I said and chuckled as I covered my face with my hands.

Megumi Fushiguro x Y/N - Does Love Exist?Where stories live. Discover now