Chapter 4: Call Me Megumi

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I stood there in numbed horror, still trying to process who I'm seeing in front of me. I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins.

"I... I'm sorry" I said.

"Sorry? Sorry for what? It's too late. That stupid boyfriend of yours beat up 4 of my friends and called the police. Now they're detained because of you idiots." the bully said, her eyes glued to me with a withering stare. 

"Boy... boyfriend? What are you talking about?" I replied.

"Don't play games with me. Don't act dumb, you nosy bitch. I fucking saw you and him standing outside the apartment from my window." she shouted, slamming her hands on the table in a fit of rage.

I couldn't keep my composure any longer. I couldn't stand the way she spoke to me and her indifference towards the way she bullied others. 

"Why are you doing this? What did Junpei ever do to you guys? Is this what you have been doing while skipping classes and not coming home often?" I spurted out.

The bully grabbed me by the collar. "You don't know me. You don't have the right to tell me what to do! So mind your own damn business!" she said. Then, she violently pushed me. My arm slammed against the edge of the table and I fell on the cold, hard floor. She started kicking me continuously.

My adrenaline kicked in. I got up and ran towards the door, along the hallway, down to the lobby, and all the way to the main entrance.

"Y/N! You okay?" A familiar voice said. I looked up and saw Megumi standing beside the entrance.

"Fushiguro! I... I..." I said with an unsteady voice. I was panting heavily. My legs were still trembling, nausea creeping from my abdomen to my head.

As I was about to plummet to the ground, Megumi ran towards me and caught me in his arms. I buried my face in his chest, tears streaming down my face. I could feel his heartbeat, the warmth radiating from his body, and his arms wrapped firmly around my back. He made me feel safe.

"Y/N, what happened? Are you alright?" Megumi asked with a voice of deep concern.

"Fushiguro, the bully from the alleyway. She's my housemate. She pushed me to the ground and I ran." I replied.

"Wha... what?" Megumi said in disbelief.

"Fuck! It's you again" a voice shouted. It was the bully, standing behind us from a distance.

"What did you do to her?" Megumi yelled back at her.

"None of your fucking business, lover boy." the bully said and ran back to the apartment.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Megumi.

"I came back because I forgot to return your bags," He said.

Then, it hit me. I was so occupied by my thoughts about him, I didn't realize until he mentioned it.

"Oh shoot! Thanks for coming back for that." I replied.

"No problem. We should probably call the cops about the missing bully. Tell them she's one of the bullies who physically assaulted you and JunPei." Megumi said.

"You're right. Let's do that." I answered. We called the police and explained the situation.

The police arrived and we led them to the apartment.

"This is her room," I told the police. We opened the door and realized she wasn't there. The police searched the entire building and she was nowhere to be seen.

Megumi Fushiguro x Y/N - Does Love Exist?Where stories live. Discover now