Chapter 5: Does Last Night Mean Anything To You?

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Megumi POV:

I fell asleep on the couch, hugging Y/N with one arm while she rested her head on my chest, sound asleep too.

"WAAHHHHH, IT'S A GOOD MORNING HUH??" Gojo said loudly. I was startled by his loud and annoying voice and fell down on the floor.

My eyes were still barely opened. I sat up and was greeted by Shiro and Kuro's wet tongues. I put my arms around them to give them a hug.

"What time is it?" Y/N mumbled as she rubbed her eyes.

"It's 9:30 am" Gojo answered with a cheerful voice.

"Mendokusai" I grumbled. Why must Gojo wake us up at this time? We barely slept last night... Ahhh, we should've slept in my room.

"Ohayo Y/N-chan, Megumi-kun, did you guys have a good sleep?" Gojo teased.

"AHHH, OHAIYO, GOJO-SAN.... Y-yes I did" Y/N answered skittishly, followed by nervous laughter.

"Good, good. So, what do you want to eat, Y/N?" Gojo asked.

"Ummm... anything would be fine," Y/N replied.

"Kikufuku?" Gojo blurted out.

"Gojo...." I said and gave myself a facepalm.

"Ehehehe! Just kidding. I'm gonna make pancakes." Gojo replied playfully.

"Ooooo... I love pancakes! Thank you, Gojo-san" Y/N said enthusiastically.

"No problem. Daijoubu!" Gojo said as he was mixing the batter of the pancakes while singing to himself in the kitchen. "Tokyo prison~ I'm going to relight your feeling~ When time gets rough~ Night and day are fading~"

"Ohh, I know that song!" Y/N said with excitement and sang along with Gojo. She walked towards the kitchen. "Can I help, Gojo-san?"

"Sure, thank you!" Gojo answered as he handed her the batter. She took the batter and poured it on the heated pan.

Even though Gojo can be annoying at times, he's still my caregiver. And it warms my heart to see Y/N getting along with Gojo. But she's hurt. She shouldn't be straining her body.

"Y/N, it's okay. You should get enough rest to heal" I said worriedly.

"It's okay, Megumi-kun. I'm feeling better now." Y/N insisted.

Then, the front door opened. Itadori barged in.

"GOJO SENSEI!! Why did you give me marks like this?" Itadori said frantically. His eyes scanned the kitchen and noticed Y/N standing there.

"OH! Why is Y/N here?" Itadori asked curiously.

"Ohaiyooo Itadori! Well, I had some trouble at my place and Megumi offered me to stay at his place for a while so I stayed" Y/N replied.

"Eh? What kind of trouble are you having? Are you alright, Y/N?" Itadori tilted his head.

"The food is ready~~ Come and eat, kids~," Gojo said.

Everyone took their seats and admired how pretty the food looked on the table. Itadori sat next to Y/N, while Gojo sat next to me. Y/N was sitting across me.

"oooOOWAHHH SENSEI THE FOOD LOOKS GREAT," Itadori said as he rubbed his hands together. He took his phone and began taking pictures of the pancakes.

"Are you done taking pictures? We need to eat." I said and let out a huge sigh. I tried so hard to keep my composure. I barely had enough sleep and now these two extroverts are yelling in the morning.

Megumi Fushiguro x Y/N - Does Love Exist?Where stories live. Discover now