Chapter 7: I Promise

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6 months since they dated

Megumi's POV

Laying on the cold, hard ground, too weak to move a muscle, I was skin and bones, on the brink of death due to starvation. I haven't been eating for 3 days. The bruises on my body that used to be swollen and red have darkened into shades of blue and purple.

What day is it? What time is it? I think I'm turning 8 soon. Is this how it feels like to die young? Maybe... I don't deserve to live. Maybe... death isn't a bad thing. Maybe... I'll finally find peace.

The front door creaked open. It was Toji, my biological father.

"Get up, you worthless piece of shit. No wonder nobody wants you. No wonder your mom left. It's all because of you. You're useless.... Stupid... You're nothing but a burden. I should've sold you to the Zen'in so I don't have to deal with your bullshit. Maybe they don't even want you. Do you even know how useless you are?" said dad, with a voice full of nothing but hatred and bitterness. His heart was as cold as ice.

I was already numb towards his words. It was nothing new. It's something he'd tell me every day.

"Are you deaf? Answer me, you little shit," he shouted aggressively.

His footstep got closer and closer. I began to tremble, frozen to the core, hearing sirens in my head. A sense of dread overtook me. Perhaps this time, I'm really done for.

"Stop. Please stop, dad. I'm sorry" my voice quavered in fear, begging defenselessly as he hit me again and again. My eyes welled up and tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Sorry isn't gonna fix anything. You're just a good-for-nothing son. You're nothing but a pain in the ass" he screamed, grabbed me by the collar, and pushed me to the ground.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I won't tell them anything ever again. Please give me another chance. I'll be good. I promise" I begged again, sobbing profusely.

"Don't be stupid. Do you know the severity of your actions? Do you know what's gonna happen if they've found evidence about the murders? You've gotten all of us in trouble. Are you dumb enough to expect I'd be nice to you after ratting me out like that? This is what you get for defying your father."

"I won't do it again. I promise. Please, dad." My voice edged with fear.

He scoffed and said "It's too late now. You're better off dead.", dragged into the cold, dark room I dreaded so badly, so dark that I couldn't even see my hands in the darkness - the windows had been walled up. So cold that I couldn't feel my toes and fingers. So horrid, I felt like I might throw up.

"No, please. Dad! Don't lock me in here again. Please let me out. Please." I shouted helplessly.

He slammed the door shut. Terror thundering down on me. I screamed at the top of my lungs like my life depended on it.

Then, I heard Y/N's voice crying out "Megumi. Megumi, babe, you okay? You were screaming in your sleep"

It felt like my heart leaped into my throat. My hands were cold and clammy. I was trembling in cold sweat.

I opened my eyes and saw Y/N staring at me. Her eyes looked worried. I hugged Y/N tightly, wet hot tears filling up my eyes.

"Y/N, would you ever leave me?" I asked. I didn't want her to see me like this. But I couldn't hold it back anymore.

"What? Of course not. I'll never leave you. I'm always by your side." She reassured me.

"Promise me you won't let me go," I said.

"I promise, Megumi. I love you no matter what". She said, squeezing me tighter in her embrace.

"I love you too," I said, hugging her tightly.

"Did you have a nightmare? You can tell me. I'm here to listen." she asked.

"I had a bad dream. My biological dad, Toji. He abused me when I was little, forced me to do things I don't want to do. Sometimes, I still have flashbacks about it."

"I see. It's alright. I'm here. You're safe." she said, gently caressing my back with her hand.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this. A grown man crying. How embarrassing...."

"No, don't say that, Megumi. That's not true. Men should be allowed to cry too. You're allowed to feel and express your feelings. Nothing wrong with that at all. You're very strong for expressing it. I'm super grateful you shared this with me. Also, you've stood up for me time after time. You've been there for me during one of the weakest moments in my life. Now, let me be there for you." Her words were comforting.

"Thank you, Y/N. This means a lot. What would I do without you?" I said.

"Whatever happened in the past with him, it won't happen again. I promise. I'm always here for you. No matter what." she said confidently.

"Me too. I'll never let you go. I'll always be here with you." I said as I fixed my gaze on hers.

She smiled and wiped my tears away. Being with Y/N made me feel loved and accepted. Seeing the reassurance in her beautiful diamond eyes made me feel a little better. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me. I leaned in for a kiss. Her soft lips made me feel warm and fuzzy.

But the flashbacks were still lingering in my mind. The more I tried to push it away, the more persistent they became. Self-doubt began to fester. Why would she stay? Am I really lovable? I don't deserve her. I feel broken, worthless, incompetent. She's a ball of sunshine, and I'm nothing but damaged goods. I hate myself.

Y/N noticed me looking away, zoning out. "What's wrong, Megumi?"

"Y/N, do you really mean it? That you'll love me no matter what?" I asked.

"Yes, I mean it. I promise I'll never let you go. You have my word." she said reassuringly.

I held her in my arms, smelling her scent, feeling the warmness emitting from her body and the calm heartbeat in her chest. My mind was quiet for a while. But as soon as she fell asleep, I was stuck in my head again, tormented by the demons and inner critics conquered up by my own mind.

Should I tell her the truth about my past? Would she still accept me if she learns about my dark past and the trauma that I've gone through? Would she want someone as damaged as I am?

She has been through a lot herself. No matter how hard things get, she's always kept a strong composure. She's compassionate and she always stands up for what is right. I should tell her. Maybe someday.

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