Chapter 11: Tell Me The Truth

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Y/N's POV:

It was a usual, hectic day at the office. I was exhausted. Sleepless nights. Chasing deadlines. Projects after projects. Keeping my mind busy. Wearing down my body.

I stared at my desktop screen, unable to focus. I think I've reached my limit. ​​I looked out at the delft-blue, cloudless sky from my office window, thinking of Megumi again by default. My heart started to ache.

"I think I need more black tea" I whispered to myself, grabbed my empty cup, and walked towards the pantry.

Out of nowhere, I felt hot flushes in my body, trembling in cold sweat. Blood was pounding in my ears, my vision disfigured as if I were looking through a fish-eye lens. I felt detached, slowly dissociating from my body. I couldn't hold it any longer. I plummeted to the ground and everything went black.

Moments later, I was woken up by the sound of sirens. I opened my eyes and came to the realization that I was in an ambulance.

"Y/N, how are you feeling? Any discomforts?" A familiar voice said.

I turned my head and couldn't believe who I saw.

It was Megumi... sitting next to me. And he was wearing a white coat with blue scrubs underneath it.

Am I dreaming? Why is he here... in New York?

I stared at him intently, making sure my mind wasn't playing tricks with me. It really was Megumi, staring back at me, waiting patiently for my response.

"Megumi? Uhh... My head hurts..." I murmured.

Megumi placed a cuff on my arm and a stethoscope on my chest to check my pulse and blood pressure.

"Your blood pressure is low and your resting heart rate is higher than normal" Megumi said.

I slowly closed my eyes, too tired to respond. I couldn't remember what happened next. All I could recall was lying down on a hospital bed. Then, I heard footsteps walking closer towards me. I turned my head and saw Megumi walking towards me with a report in his hands.

"Y/N, we've got your blood test results. Everything looks fine but your blood sugar is low. It's most likely due to stress and malnutrition. You just need to rest and leave after finishing the drip." said Megumi, treating me as if I'm a stranger. As if I'm just another patient.

My brain stuttered for a moment. I was at a loss for words, still processing the fact that Megumi was standing right in front of me with a calm demeanor as if it was nothing. Why is Megumi being so distant and cool? Maybe he's just trying to be professional.


There I was again. Standing at the entrance of the hospital, gazing upon the desolate, dim-lit streets, completely debilitated after the night shift.

I thought I'll never see her again. Who would have known that we'd meet again at the most unexpected places... It breaks my heart to see her in this state. Why do I feel so desperate? All I ever wanted was to hold her in my arms again... but I have to keep a distance... It hurts not being able to be with her ever again but I've already made my promise. It's better off this way.


I got goosebumps hearing Y/N's voice behind me. I instinctively turned around but I didn't respond to her. I couldn't... Seeing her was just too surreal. Her smile was beyond captivating, like a sudden beam of sunshine illuminating even the darkest corners of the earth. My heart pounded faster and faster, wonderstruck by her beauty, but I tried so hard not to show it.

Megumi Fushiguro x Y/N - Does Love Exist?Where stories live. Discover now