Chapter 6: Are You Ready?

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2 months later...


We've dated for about 2 months. I moved out to a new, safer studio apartment. More privacy. Yay! Oh, and if you're wondering, yes, Megumi and I aced the project like a pro. *wink wink*

I still can't believe Fushiguro Megumi and I were dating. Anyway, Megumi came to my place from time to time and vice versa. We would watch movies together. We cooked together. We cuddled together. Sometimes, he also stayed over for the night. Gojo would invite me to come over to his place for dinner every Sunday. He's like a second dad to me.

It was 9 in the morning. I got ready and met up with Megumi at the apartment entrance so we could walk to class together. He greeted me with a flirtatious smile - something I couldn't get enough of. I felt his warm hand holding mine, our fingers intertwined.

Nothing's more satisfying than holding Megumi's hand, admiring the brilliant beams of the sun and how the birds sang to its sparkle. We arrived early and the classroom was still empty - class started at 10 am.

The lecturer hall was freezing cold - the type of coldness that reached into my bones. Crap! I forget to bring my jacket. I wrapped my arms around myself, my skin chilled from the unforgiving cold.

"Here, take my hoodie, Y/N," said Megumi as he took off his hoodie. His eyes looked at me with concern.

"Th- th- thanks," I said. The teeth in my mouth chattered together and I couldn't stop myself from shivering.

I slip into his warm, snuggly hoodie and I could smell his scent all over it. I instantly felt better. We walked towards the seats at the corner and sat down. Since no one was around, I rested my head on Megumi's shoulder and wrapped my arms around his arm, feeling more of his warmth.

"Fushiguro. Y/N-chan. Ohayo." Itadori walked into the classroom and sat beside Megumi.

"Ohayo, Itadori," Megumi and I greeted back.

Itadori began talking about ramen like he always did and Megumi listened, looking unimpressed. More and more students arrived. Soon, the classroom was jam-packed.

The lecturer came in and began his presentation. I took out my notebook and started jotting down what was written on the whiteboard.

Soon after, I finished copying the notes and I rested my hands under the table. Then, I felt a warm hand grabbing mine - it was Megumi's. His fingers interlaced with mine. I turned my head a little and looked at him. He had this emotionless expression as always, but it's adorable. I smiled.

Not long after, the lecturer proceeded to write on the whiteboard again. I tried to let go of his hands because I needed to continue writing my notes. But he held on tighter.

"Let go, Megumi, I need to write my notes," I whispered, trying to wiggle my hand out of his. But his grip tightened. I looked up and saw Megumi pouting. I let out a sigh.

"I'll help you write your notes later. Just let me hold your hand" Megumi whispered back. I couldn't help but chuckle at his cute pouting face.

"Ngaw... Here, you can hold my left hand instead" I said and put my left hand on his hand. He gently held my left hand and I continued writing my notes.

"Ahh... How irritating! You hopeless love birds" Nobara whispered behind us. I tittered at her remark and gave her a mischievous grin.

As soon as the class ended, Itadori asked "YOO Fushiguro, can you borrow me your notes?"

"No" Megumi answered with a slightly annoyed look on his face.

"Awww. Why?" Itadori asked, making googly eyes to Megumi.

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