Chapter 12: Do You Miss Me?

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Y/N's POV:

Megumi suggested I stay for the night as it was getting too late. Snuggling in Megumi's oversized pajamas, I fell asleep in his protective and loving arms - it was my safe haven. He was always the big spoon, I was always the little spoon. I wish we could be like this forever, falling asleep in each other's arms every night.

I was woken up by the savory smell of sizzling bacon in the morning. I got out of the cozy blankets, followed the heavenly smell, and saw Megumi standing at the kitchen top, making breakfast.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," said Megumi.

I let out a yawn and said "Morning, my cute baby sea urchin head"

"What- What did you say?" asked Megumi, peering at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Pfft..." A small snort escaped before I could suppress it.

BAHAHAHAHAHA!!" I burst out laughing. Megumi squinted his eyes and put on his usual pouting face, reminding me of the good old times back in Chicago.

"Awww... you're so cute," I said as I walked towards him, hugging him from the back.

"I made your favorite. Bacon and eggs" said Megumi as he put the food on the table.

"Aww thank you so much, Megumi," I said with a big smile on my face. "Let's feast"

After the meal and cleaning up everything, I rested on the couch, laying on his shoulders as he put his hands around my waist, both of us scrolling on our phones.

"Y/N, you should go home and rest. Take the day off for today. Doctor's orders. I'll call the cab to get you. It's safer if we're not seen being together for the time being." said Megumi.

"Aye aye, captain," I said whimsically, followed by a snicker.

Megumi gave a small chuckle, briefly amused at my response, before he got up and reached out his hand, signaling me to give him my phone. I gave my phone to him and he typed something in it.

"Here's my new number. Once you've reached home, text me and let me know, okay?"

"Yep, Roger that," I said goofily as I gave him a big salute.

He snorted, a small grin flashing across his face.

"Why do you have to be so cute?" said Megumi as he pulled me in for a big, warm hug.

I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his chest, hearing his heartbeat. My cheeks were starting to feel sore from smiling so hard. We stood there hugging, not wanting to let go of each other.

Megumi let out a huge sigh and said "I'm gonna miss you"

"Me too. But hopefully, it won't be long. We'll see each other again once Toji is behind bars for good. Fingers crossed" I said.

"Yeah.." said Megumi. His gaze met mine and I was entranced by the light in his gorgeous blue eyes. "I love you, Y/N"

"I love you too, Megumi," I couldn't tear my eyes away from his.

He hugged me tighter, reluctant to let me go, even though he had to, and kissed me on the lips. It was a very soft, gentle but lingering kiss.

"Goodbye, Y/N"

"Goodbye, Megumi"

Megumi's POV

Y/N left my apartment. Time has ebbed by slower than molasses. My usual slouch had been replaced by a stiff mannequin pose, waiting impatiently for Y/N's text. Her apartment is 15 minutes away from mine. She should be home by now.

Megumi Fushiguro x Y/N - Does Love Exist?Where stories live. Discover now