Chapter 8: Daddy Issues

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14 years ago

Megumi's POV

I remember staring at the abyss of darkness. I remember desperately wanting to fade into nothingness, instead of living another second in this hellhole. I remember the unbearable hunger pangs burning inside of me. I remember not feeling an ounce of fear anymore, only numbness. I closed my eyes, waiting for angels to get me out of this hopelessness. My mind was cloudy, murky, and distorted. I was going in and out of hallucinations. I could no longer tell apart what's real and what isn't. But one thing's for certain - I just wanted the pain to end, even if it means death.

The door creaked open. Is this it? Am I knocking on heaven's door? Or is it my dad, Toji, coming in to torment me again?

"Megumi?" I heard a familiar voice. My eyes were barely opened but I saw a man with white hair and round sunglasses, standing together with a few other men wearing police uniforms.

I was too weak to speak, too weak to smile, too weak to move, too numb to feel anything. I shut my eyes, my consciousness slowly drifting away.

I woke up on a hospital bed and the first person I saw was the same white-haired man that I saw earlier. It was Gojo - my teacher from my elementary school.

"You know, your father... He was one of the co-founders of the Zen'in, a big company among the big, corrupted pharmaceutical companies. They're such good-for-nothings, it freaks even me out. Due to some conflict, your father left the company to have you. He became a drug dealer to raise you and keep the family intact. But in the end, everything fell apart. He's in prison now. Thanks to you." Gojo spurted out, he was smiling and wiggling his fingers like a psycho.

Part of me is grateful that this irritating man saved me from dying, but his lack of tact about the severity of the situation pissed me off. 

"Megumi-kun, did you know that your father recently murdered a young lady, and tried to cover it up as an accident? His DNA matches the one at the crime scene. The police are now investigating the murder case and your dad is the prime suspect." Gojo continued.

Apparently, Toji was arrested by the police a few days ago after taking the DNA test. And I've been left to die a slow painful death in that dark, cold room as the ultimate punishment for ratting him out to the police about his illegal businesses and the murders he's committed.

Back then, I trusted my conscience, too naive to know that my actions would lead to such dire consequences. The truth is, I no longer wanted to become his puppet, delivering illegal drugs to people against my own will, keeping quiet about his brutal massacres. It just didn't sit well with me. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended me right then and there back in the house. After all, he's not only a drug dealer but also a cold-blooded serial killer. But he chose to torture me and let me starve to death, which was worse.

My mother left me as soon as she found out I've exposed his schemes to the authorities to save herself. Not only that, she probably left because she could no longer take Toji's beatings and abuse. Because of what I did, I've lost them for good. But I wanted nothing to do with Toji after everything he's done to me. And I've no idea where my mother went. So, Gojo decided to take me in and become my legal guardian.


1 year since Megumi & Y/N dated

Megumi's POV

Y/N and I sat by the small pond next to the willow tree, stargazing, admiring the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity as the silvery moon rested amidst the dark blue night sky. The night's familiar cool breeze has a bucolic scent of grass and waterlilies. 

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