Chapter 13 - Explainations

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Hina and the others arrived safely back on the Lost Light. With the whole Delphi drama over and done with, First Aid and Ambulon were invited to come about and work alongside Ratchet.

Once they were back aboard the ship, Hina sighed with relief. It was good to be back, well, home she suppose. She was going to be here for a long while she she thought she might as well get used to it.

Now, she had other things on her mind. Once she and Drift were far enough from the docking bay were they wouldn't be seen, she grabbed him and pulled him aside into a hallway.

"Hina?! What's wrong--"

"You've got some explaining to do, remember?" She reminded him, optic ridge raised.

"Explain what?" He asked, grinning with a shrug. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"The whole about the D.J.D.? The group that hunts down Ex-Cons? One of the many dangers from your life that you failed to mention before?" Hina replied in question.

"It . . . Didn't really matter before now," he admitted.

"Why? You didn't think they'd look for you back on Earth? Or Iacon? Drift, I'm merely concerned about your safety. What if it was the D.J.D. we ran into back on Delphi and not those two Decepticons?"

"But that didn't happen. We ran into those two Decepticons, not them. They probably have a full list anyway."

"All I'm trying to say is that next time, give me a little warning on who we may go up against. We went out there, and I had no idea Delphi was their stomping ground. I didn't know anything about them until earlier today. Don't you realize how scary that is?" Hina asked.

"I do! I really do," Drift said. "You just don't have anything to worry about! I'm sure of it. They probably have nine volumes of traitors. They could've forgotten about me."

"Forgotten the ex-Decepticon that killed Commander Turmoil?" Hina reminded. "Not to mention blew up his ship?"

Drift couldn't help but chuckle at the femme. "I forgot I told you my life story back on Earth."

Hina rolled her optics at the mech playfully with a snort.

"Now, don't hold that against me, alright?" He asked with a grin.

Hina sighed in defeat. "Fine. As long as you don't hold any for info back on me. Deal?"

"How about we kiss on it?" Drift, grinning.

"Sure." She smiled. Hina looked surprise, her optics widening.

Drift leaned in slowly, their lips touching. The kiss was light, but passionate at the same time. Hina placed a hand on his shoulder, signalling him to stop. He broke it, searching her optics with worry.

"What's wrong?" Drift asked.

"I just realized something." Hina answered.


Hina looked up at him. "This... This was the first time we've... Actually kissed since my... Transformation." She spoke.

" . . . Was it bad . . . ?" Drift asked quietly.

He worried terribly that he went too far.

Hina looked startled at first, but quickly shook her helm and looked back at Drift with a soft smile. "Not at all. I've missed that part of you."

He smiled cheaply, rubbing the back of his neck. "I wanted to let you get settled in first. I didn't want to make you feel like I was forcing something on you too quickly."

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