bliss- oikawa tooru

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Writing this on a Saturday afternoon, wishing I was in this timeline. Oh to be (Y/n), living the dream ://

I hope you enjoy!


Reader: Gender Neutral!

Genre: pure fluff, absolutely zero traces of angst, so sweet you'll get cavities.

Warnings: Time skip Spoilers for Oikawa, my less than basic Spanish skills

Character: Oikawa Tooru (originally this was going to be for Akaashi but I have like 3 imagines going for him right now and I figured this would be a good fit for Oikawa too.)

Summary: Days off with your professional athlete of a boyfriend were never really days off, but you finally managed to convince him to use one to rest and spend time together. 

Fandom: Haikyuu

Notes: I genuinely love this. This is also posted on my ao3 (same username as on here). 



/blis/noun perfect happiness; great joy

(VERB- informal) to reach a state of perfect happiness, typically so as to be oblivious of everything else.

Beams of early morning gold filtered in from the blinds and fell onto your blanket covered body. It was a Saturday, so you weren't forced out of bed by your usual blaring alarm. The silence that greeted your sleepy, barely-awake form was very much welcomed.

The first thing you noticed when you were coherent enough was the arm gently wrapped around your waist. You looked to the side and smiled. Beside you was the love of your life, still asleep, the soft glow framing his face making him look more angelic than ever. He looked peaceful.

Not wanting to disrupt his sleep, you slowly turned on your side to face him better. He mumbled something incoherent to you but settled again soon after.

Days off for Oikawa were rare. Even if he got a few every once in a while, they were usually spent at the gym or on the beach practicing for a few hours before heading back home to you. It made sense, it was Oikawa you were talking about for God's sake, and even though he (now) knew better than to overwork himself to the point of exhaustion, days off were never really days off. So, yes, they were rare.

But last night when he got home you had convinced him to actually enjoy a day off with you in full, so here you were.

You reached a gentle hand over to move a strand of hair out of his face. This, of course, lead to you moving closer and playing with his hair. It was so soft and fluffy, there was no way you'd be able to leave it untouched.

After about five minutes of running your hand over his scalp, his eyes began to flutter open. He took a second to adjust to the light and with a droopy eyes, he looked over at you. He offered a sleepy smile when he saw you were already watching him.

"Good morning, my love, did you sleep well?"

He nodded and tried to sit up before promptly flopping down on top of you. "G'morning."

You giggled. He was so out of it that you figured it was a really deep slumber. You wondered about the last time he got to sleep that much.

At the sound of your laughter, he perked up. "I love you," he mumbled out, clearly trying to show you some early morning affection (something he knew you loved and didn't receive often because of his schedule) despite being tired. Your heart warmed.

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