Comfort- Kuroo

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This was a request from one of my friends (who shall remain anonymous by their request), who's comfort character is Kuroo. 

I just want anyone reading this who may be having a hard time with either figuring things out or having trouble finding the courage to come out or can't because you've been put in a bad situation to know that it gets better. And if for some reason you feel unloved or unappreciated? I LOVE YOU, okay? I'd never judge you for anything. In case no one's told you today, I'm proud of you for doing your best. You can always talk to me :) This chapter is always here for you, too, if you need that type of comfort. 

On that note, please enjoy this chapter! Whether or not you can relate, I hope you enjoy it anyway. 

Warnings: None really, just a tiny bit of angst if you squint. Mostly comfort, but reader does get a bit in their own head, so mentions of anxiety and an oncoming panic attack. 

Character: Kuroo Tetsurou 

*This IS a request, so I pictured a female while writing this and that may reflect in this story, but I think I managed to keep it pretty gender neutral. If you want another version of this or a similar scenario with different pronouns, I can definitely do that :)*

Breathe. You'll be fine, (Y/n).

The drive back to your place was silent, which normally would have been calming for you, but tonight it only pushed you further into your own head. If Kuroo picked up on your discomfort from the driver's seat, he didn't mention it. 

You were grateful for that since it gave you more time to think over how you were going to go about your current situation. 

Or maybe it was a bad thing. Maybe he knew something was up.

So far the night had been perfect- he had taken you out for dinner at your favourite fast food place and then to a nearby bookstore. You had stopped in front of a really pretty wall to take some cute pictures and they had turned out perfect. 

He told you he loved you for the first time. And you said it back. 

Now you were worried that your silence was off-putting to him. 

You had said your first I love you's and the car ride home was silent? Did that tell him that you were having doubts? You didn't want him to have doubts. Would he doubt you really meant it if you didn't speak up? If the ride remained silent for the next ten minutes, would he think you only said it so things wouldn't be awkward? 

Anxiety bubbled up inside you as you continued to think. You didn't notice that Kuroo was giving you little side glances until he gently nudged you out of your thoughts. 

"Hey, you okay? You're being quiet." His voice was calm and steady, which was a stark contrast to your erratic heartbeat. 

You managed a single nod in his direction and a small smile.  It'd be fine to hold in a bit longer, wouldn't it? Oh god, why did you want to do this again? 

He took a hand off the wheel and placed it over yours. You felt him give you a reassuring squeeze. "You sure? Cause you know you can tell me if anything's bothering you. I love you, I want to be here for you however I can." 

Ah, yes. That's why. That's why you wanted to be honest with him and trust him with something you had been keeping close to your heart for a while now. You knew tonight was the right time. 

"I love you too." You continued to stare at him for a while as another wave of silence washed over the two of you. This one wasn't as anxiety inducing, even though you hadn't really answered his question. 

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