Harry Styles x Youtuber!reader

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In this imagine basically, Harry is your boyfriend, and you're best friends with Dan and Phil (who you should watch if you don't for some strange reason) and good friends with Zoe and Joe. Also, I wanted to try something new for this imagine, so the format is going to be different. I'm going to attempt a head cannon type thing. (Like a "dating 'X' would include...") And I'll try to include as much fluff as I can, but if I get too carried away with the friendship part I'm sorry.  THIS IMAGINE ISN'T POST ONE DIRECTION, THEY ARE STILL TOGETHER IN THIS BECAUSE I JUST GOT AN AMAZING IDEA FOR HOW YOU TWO MEET. Okay, happy reading! This is also very long, whoops. 


Being a famous YouTuber and dating Harry Styles would include... 

> You started your channel around the same time Dan started his, and because of that you became fast friends. 

> Dan introducing you to Phil in person, who you had been Skyping with for a few months, after Dan told him all about you and vice versa. 

> The three of you being as thick as thieves, doing collabs together all the time.

> You filmed all of the Pinof's, and you ALWAYS made a special guest appearance in every single one. 

> As they were never ones to vlog much, you took it upon yourself to vlog your outings with them as much as possible. 

> "(Y/n), people are staring." 

> "Oh hush, they're just in awe of how awesome I am." 

> You and Dan totally feed off of each other's sarcasm, which often left Phil in fits of laughter. 

> But once someone made a self deprecating joke about themselves, the other two were always there to comfort them. 

> Shipping wars in the Phandom between Phan, your ship with Phil and your ship with Dan.

> All three of you laughing it off because they're both gay (which no one knew except you and their really close friends and family). (This is not set in 2019, as stated before)

> Literally all three of you having days where you just sit on their couch and don't talk at all, you just scroll through Tumblr and send each other memes, with Sherlock playing in the background.

> Your channel is pretty much a mix of everything from vlogs and makeup to fangirling about books and shows to reviewing music and games to comedy skits that you normally filmed with Dan and Phil. 

> Your makeup and music reviews are what attracted Zoella to your channel. You had met once at an event before, and you were friendly with each other but you didn't know her well. Dan and Phil knew her a bit better.

> The video that bonded you two together was your review of the album Take Me Home, which was 1D's newest album. 

> And we all know how Zoe loves One Direction. 

> So when she commented on your video saying "OMG yes, I agree with all of your views on this album, we MUST chat some more about it together some day soon!" you got really excited because yay a new friend! (something that didn't happen often in this career)

> So you DM'd her on Twitter and your friendship blossomed from there. 

> Lots of talks about your favourite bands, good makeup brands, guys in your lives, trying to set her up with Alfie, who you and Louise both knew she liked. 

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