Nico di Angelo- Books and Trees

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*Reposted with edits*

This was posted on my other book, the one I totally forgot about, where I was going to write a bunch of different fandom stories, like texts, scenarios, etc...

But I deleted that, so here it is, edited soooo much, non personalized, and less cringe! (Maybe)

I tried to make the reader's perspective Gender Neutral! Sorry if I slip up out of habit! This will go for all imagines written in this book, unless otherwise specified.

Also, you are 15 in this, a little after the war with Gaea. (Also, you are a child of Nike in this, just because that's how it was in the original... if you're a child if anyone else, it literally changes nothing. You can change it if you want. I'll start putting in (y/g/p) in other imagines).
(Y/F/B) means Your Favourite Book (aside from the Riordanverse)


You were sitting in a tree, re-reading your favourite book of all time. You were just getting to the good part when you heard someone call your name.

"(Y/N)!" Said your best friend, Amber, as she ran into the small clearing your tree was part of.

Amber was a daughter of Athena, and she clicked with Annabeth almost immediately.

You weren't as close with your siblings in the Nike Cabin. They enjoyed competition (and you did, too, seeing that you were very competitive), but you would pick a good book and some music (even if demigods couldn't have phones to play the music) over competitions any day.

Obviously you were busy with Camp activities, but if you ever got a few minutes off, you were getting books from the Athena Cabin (which had a small section of fiction books, but it was mostly non-fiction and Greek "Myths") and heading towards your favourite tree.

You stuck your bookmark in your book and smiled down at Amber, who was squinting up at you.

"What's up?" You called.

"It's almost time for the official camp tour with Annabeth! You coming, or do you plan on staying in that tree until dinner?" Came her joking inquiry.

You laughed and replied, "I'll be down in a minute, just meet me in front of the Athena Cabin by twelve,"

She nodded and ran off, back to camp.

You had been here for nearly a week, and you had gotten a tour, but Annabeth insisted on giving Amber an "in depth" tour as a "welcome to the Athena Cabin" gift. Of course, Amber being Amber, asked Annabeth if you could tag along and she ever so graciously agreed.

You breathed in the fresh air, taking in the peaceful feeling of the wind blowing against your skin.

Suddenly, you heard someone crash into one of the branches above you.

"Ow! My nose!" Came a boy's pained voice.

You looked up to see a pale boy around your age, clad in black, clutching his nose and leaning against the tree trunk, groaning.

You couldn't help it. You started laughing. Soon enough you found yourself laughing so hard that you fell out of the tree, your book bag hanging from a branch.

Now the boy was chuckling and you were the one groaning.

"See? I'm not the only clumsy one around here."

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