vulnerable - haikyuu boy of your choice

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This might be one of my favourite things I've ever written. Maybe.

Genre: FLUFF (comfort)

Warnings: none really, just some mentions about low self esteem, and mental health issues, but it's brief.

Reader: Gender Neutral! (But I did write it super late, based on a scenario I was thinking up, so if there's any specific terms used, lmk and I'll edit it!)

Character: any haikyuu boy (fun fact: I pictured Osamu while writing it)

Fandom: Haikyuu

Summary: vulnerability is hard for you, but late nights like these with your boyfriend make you emotional. Who could you trust enough to be vulnerable with if not him?

Notes: I literally wrote this at 3:30 a.m. and I only proof read it once, so there's probably some mistakes!! Also this absolutely stemmed from listening to People Watching by Conan Gray.


Your faces were centimeters apart, his hand cupped your cheek and you could feel his thumb as it ran back and forth over your skin, along your cheekbone.

Eyes were locked and the only emotion you could detect from him was one very pure. He was so full of love, that you knew there was no possible room for the darkness you had grown so used to searching for in people over the years.

This was good. It was right. You were safe.

You were overcome with such a strong wave of emotions that you sucked in a breath.

You were sure that if you had been standing, it would've knocked you right over.

You didn't question whether or not he'd be there to help you back up.

His other hand, previously rubbing up and down your back, came up to stroke your hair. To calm you.

The soft music playing in the background was interrupted by your next few words.

"Can I be vulnerable for a minute?"

You broke eye contact as you said it.  Feelings and eye contact at the same time were not a strong suit of yours.

"Of course you can, my love."

You gave a slight smile at the term of endearment and fiddled with the front of his shirt. You always seemed to busy your hands while having conversations such as these.

You were a decent communicator, so it wasn't as if this was your first time opening up to him emotionally. However, it always took some effort from both you and him in order to coax you out of your head and actually do the communicating.

Vulnerability was just hard for you, despite how much of an emotional person you were. You wanted to talk to people and have them understand, but the thought of setting yourself up for hurt scared you.

"I just... um..." you started off quiet- quieter than you intended.

He drew back the hand on your head and threw it over your side again to reach your back, letting you know he was still there.

"I just never thought I'd have this."

Your eyes flitted up to briefly meet his.

He looked at you with so much tenderness and care that you started to tear up.

"I never thought that I'd have someone in my life in this way. I had convinced myself that there was no one out there for me. I always feared that I'd be alone for the rest of my life while everyone else moved on with theirs." You sniffled a bit and balled his shirt in your fist.

"I thought I was unlovable." You could feel the tears spill over but he was quick to wipe them away.

"I genuinely believed that I was just never meant to be loved by anyone, that I wasn't allowed to have someone to love. That no one would ever look at me and find comfort or feel love- that I was undeserving of anyone seeing me that way. I hated myself that much."

He never stopped looking at you. He payed close attention to what you were saying and it made you warm inside.

"I just... I don't know, I'm just so grateful to have you in my life. Like, you will never know the true extent of how grateful I am to be loved by you, or how blessed I feel to have the chance to love you. You completely shut down all those thoughts I had. To have this with someone at all is amazing but I know I can't have it with anyone else- it's not possible. You're it for me."

You hadn't realized he started crying until you looked back up at him to say those four words.

Your turn to wipe away his tears. You had one last thing to say to him though.

"I'd wait forever and a day to have this if it meant always having it with you. You made the wait well worth it, my dear. Thank you for loving me. And for letting me love you. You've made me so happy."

He wrapped you up in the tightest hug you've ever received. Small sniffles could be heard from both of you, shirts were getting wet and limbs were getting numb but neither of you cared.

He pulled away just enough so that he could lean his forehead against yours. A small noise and a soft ouch upon contact made the two of you giggle a bit.

"I love you so much (Y/n). So much it scares me, sometimes. I can't believe I get the honor of loving someone as incredible as you. I'm never gonna take that for granted. You're it for me, too."

You turned your head to the side and buried it into your arm so he couldn't see your shy grin.

He figured now that the overly emotional part was done, you'd want a distraction so you didn't worry about changing the mood of the night. He didn't mind giving you that.

So he gave a soft laugh and kissed your cheek. "You're so adorable."

You could feel your face getting hot and pure happiness start to bubble up, so you hid your face more and tried to turn.

He laughed louder this time and tried to stop you from turning around to hide completely. "Stop, let me compliment you!"

"No! You're gonna make me a pile of mush, do you really want that?"

"(Y/n), you're still always going to be the sweetest thing I've ever laid eyes on. Pile of mush or not."

"Oh my God, shut up."

You struggled a bit, all the while laughing with him, which made it difficult to fight him off.

Eventually he managed to keep you facing him, and his attack of compliments and praises continued until you were indeed a metaphorical pile of mush in his arms.

You sighed when a familiar, comfortable silence washed over the two of you.

"I love you." You whispered.

"I love you." He responded.

Once again your faces were close, his hand was caressing your cheek and your eyes were locked.

Everything was right in your world.


While writing this I got the urge to write something even fluffier, so expect that soon, I suppose? Well. Maybe not soon, but just know it's coming. By now everyone should know I'm terrible at regularly updating.

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