Leo Valdez- Brothers and Best Friends

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This was originally going to be a birthday imagine but I've changed that idea to a first meeting kind of thing, but also not really a first meeting. It'll make sense, probably.

Pretend Leo didn't die at the end of Blood Of Olympus, for the plot of this imagine's sake. Also pretend that Percy didn't call his mom in Son of Neptune. Also you were with Sally nearly the whole time Percy was missing, and you missed the war. Also pretend that Annabeth only visited Sally while you were gone, conveniently.
Age: 15
Parentage: Poseidon, because Lets be honest, if you're not in love with Percy, then you definitely see him as a brother. That's how I see him at least.

Leo's POV

Anyone could tell that Leo truly, deeply cared for (Y/N), and for good reason, too. She was the kindest person you would ever meet, never expecting anything from anyone and doing good deeds for other campers out of the goodness of her heart. Like Percy, her older brother, she was incredibly loyal, and never backed down from a challenge. She was funny and could be rather fierce when she wanted to be, but her dominant traits were her shyness and awkwardness. But it just made her more loveable. Everyone who got the chance to really know her was blessed by every single god. The fact that he cared so much for the girl was pretty much the only reason Percy didn't go ballistic when they told him.

He stared at his girlfriend from across the dining pavilion as she laughed with her brother at the Poseidon Table. She had a wide smile on her face, and he thought she was beautiful. It made him think about how different she was during their first encounter, nearly a year ago.


Leo watched as a girl around his age walked into camp with a sorrowful expression on her face. He hadn't seen her before, so he assumed she was new. She was beautiful. Even with sad eyes and a quivering lip, he knew that she was way out of his league. Probably a daughter of Aphrodite, he thought. He nearly burst into flame.

He decided to go up to her and show her around camp, because that's what any good person would do.

"Hey, I'm Leo Valdez, are you new here?"  No tricks, no flirting. Just a genuine introduction with a genuine question.

The girl looked up at Leo (who was taller than her by a good few inches) and smiled kindly at him, though it didn't reach her eyes.

"No, I'm not new, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N),  a daughter of Poseidon. But you're fairly new, aren't you? I don't think I've seen you around. Granted, I haven't been here since a few days after my brother went missing. I'm sure you know all about that by now, though."  The girl spoke quietly, but Leo heard every single word and wanted to hear more. He decided that the best way to keep hearing her voice was to keep the conversation going.

"Yea, I guess you could say I'm new. I'm a son of Hephaestus. I got he- wait. Did you just say daughter of Poseidon? You're Aquaman's little sister! "

The girl's head snapped up and she said "You know my brother? How? Is he back?! Oh my gods, is he back?"

Leo watched as the poor girl's whole demeanour changed. One minute she was sad and upset, the next she looked excited and crazed, almost.

"Yes, he's back, but wouldn't you have known that? You're a demigod, and come to think of it, you didn't even fight in the war."  His tone wasn't accusing, but he was only slightly suspicious of this girl.

(Y/N) looked shellshocked, like she was about to go under a moving bus.

"War? There was another war? With who? I cut off my communication to the demigod world because I didn't want to be without my brother. So I left to stay with his mom, to help her through it. Eventually she convinced me to come back, to check on things. I'm glad I picked today. Now take me to my brother."

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