plant person- miya osamu

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I literally thought of this today and got so excited to write it, it's actually insane. Ty to lana for proof reading :)


Character: Miya Osamu

Fandom: Haikyuu!!

Reader: Gender Neutral!

Genre: F L U F F (so much of it)

Summary: You never used to be a plant person, but your boyfriend's habit of showing up with flowers every week changed that. This is the conversation where he finds out.

Word Count: around 700

Warnings: none!


"Before we started dating I wasn't a plant person at all, you know," you said to him, after thanking him for the flowers he had brought you and letting him into your apartment. 

"No? But you're definitely one now," Osamu observed, looking at the potted plants in the entryway. He followed you into the kitchen and watched as you filled a vase (you had bought it after the third time he surprised you with flowers, figuring if this was going to be a regular occurrence, the least you could do was actually try to care for them) with water to put this week's bouquet in. 

"I used to be horrible with plants." You dumped the packet of flower food into the water before carefully arranging the stems to fit properly. 

"You? The one who has an apartment full of them and a whole balcony garden? I don't believe it for one second," he refused. 

"It's true! Growing up, my mom would try to get me to take care of small plants in my room but they all died. I kept forgetting to water them," you said, still focusing your attention on the flowers. 

"Then how are you so good with them now?" He asked, glancing at the small succulent on the counter next to him, then to the other small plants on the windowsill. 

You suddenly got very embarrassed. "Uh, well..."

"What is it?" 

"You started bringing me flowers..." you trailed off, rubbing a hand over the back of your neck. 

He couldn't stop the mischievous smile that presented itself. "Oh?" 

"And... because of that... IwantedyoutoseethatIcouldtakecareofthemsothatyou'dknowIappreciatedthegestureandraisethechancesofyoudoingitagain." You huffed and crossed your arms. 

He blinked once, trying to process your words. You spoke very quickly. Once he registered them, however, he laughed. 

You groaned, fully turning away from him to hide your face, but it only made him laugh harder. (He wouldn't tell you this, but what you said made his heart beat a bit quicker.)

"Why are you so embarrassed by that, my love?" He questioned, grinning and coming up to hug you from behind. His arms circled around your waist. 

You whined as he started swaying you back and forth, not even bothering to turn you around so you could face him. "You're enjoying this way too much." 

"What ever could you mean?" He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck and lightly kissed the spot his mouth hovered over. "You know that if you wanted more flowers you could've just asked. I wouldn't have minded," he moved his lips up to your cheek. 

"But then it wouldn't have been on your own accord and it definitely wouldn't have turned into a genuine interest of mine if it happened any other way." 

"That's true," he said, "though, I'm surprised that your plant parent journey began all because I noticed a flower shop on my way over after work and wanted to make you flustered one day." 

"Oh my god, shut up," you covered your face with your hands. 

"I've noticed that whenever you say that, you're just telling me to stop making you blush."

You stayed silent. 

"Baby," he prompted, moving a hand to your side and making you jump a bit. His mouth turned up slightly at the sound of your stifled laughter. He left his hand there.


"I love you and I love that the flowers make you happy." His voice was softer and less teasing now.  "And I'm happy that from it you found a new hobby."

You turned in his arms to look up at him. "Yeah?" 

"Yeah," he nodded and kissed you quickly on the lips. 

Then he smirked. "When we move in together, I can't wait to help raise our dozens of plant children." 

"Oh my god," you pulled away and walked out of the room, shaking your head. 

"What?" He laughed. "C'mon, it was funny! (Y/n), please come back." He stumbled after you, dodging plant pots and moving boxes that would soon be in your new, bigger, shared apartment. 

You didn't know it yet, but after that day, when the two of you were lying in your bed, he promised himself that he would never stop buying you your weekly bouquet. 


Hope you enjoyed!!

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