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I think that's why we need friend in our life. My best friend died. Cancer. Do i have another friends? Yes, i do. But they are just friends. Not so close. Like i said, i didn't want to share my personal life to someone who just i knew. So, here i am. Sometimes i just talked to myself. Like creating conversation with my mind. Of course, it was not helping. I wanted to go to psychiatrist but i would spend so much money. Probably if my parents still alive, i could pour all of my problems to them. They must know what to do.

It has been 1 week since Max called me. But the nightmare always came. Not every night actually. My job was not really exhausting, still got the fun side. My team knew how to handle the situation. Besides, i have Asher. No, we were not a couple. But we were getting so close since i got panic attack. I think he knew how to act when he was with me. We were being a good friends.

"Lunch?" Asher texted me.

"Good idea."


Lunch time was coming. Asher came over to my desk and waited for me. We went to the office canteen.

"What do you want for your lunch?"

"I'll get one sandwich, one avocado juice and some chips."


"What? Is it too much or.."

"Nothing." He laughed a little.

I didn't care. I just wanted to eat what i want. Asher paid my foods. He said he is in the mood. He got a promotion. He was being a senior in his team. That was so close for being the leader. Hopefully i could be like him. That must be so cool that i could be the leader of the team.

When we were eating our foods. New number calls me. I thought that this must be Max. I was in doubt. "Hello, don't you hear it. Your phone is ringing girl". Asher pointed to my phone. "I know. But i kinda don't wanna take it." I answered him. The ringing was off, then it was ringing again. The same number.

"Hallo. Who's this?"

"So, you already replaced me."

"Where are you? Are you following me? You creep!"

Asher was looking at me. I could tell he already knew that i was talking to someone who made me got a trauma. Asher took over my phone and talked to Max.

"What do you want?"

"Ahh, the guardian angel. I used to be. But after she ends our relationship, i turned to be devil for her. Why?"

"Haha funny. Listen to me you pathetic human being. You are such a coward. You just can't handle the reality. You stalk her now huh? Why you don't come here and we can finish this? Once again you are coward. You - -"


Max hung up the phone. "Don't worry. I will make sure that he won't bother you. Just call me right away if he bugs you."

I got butterflies in my stomach. Definitely, my cheek was blushed. "Wh- why would you do that?" I asked him. I just wanted to know the reason.

"Oh come on! I can't let that happen to you. That guy has to learn to accept the reality. Yes i know that you two had a lovely memories together but that was in the past. Now you already knew his true colour and that's it. If he still wants to get you, he must change himself to be a better person instead of creeping you around. He has brain, hasn't he?" He explained to me with the anger in his face. I could tell that he was really annoyed by Max.

"Ya, but if he was willing to change. I still don't wanna come back to him. It's too broken now."

"Well, it's okay i got your back."

My eyes were watering because of him. I felt like i had a brother, best friend, best partner. I didn't deserve him. I was lucky.


Lunch break was over. I went to my desk and finished my assignment for that day. But instead of doing the assignment, my mind was thinking about Asher. The way he took over my phone and shouted to Max. "My hero"

"Hero? Who?"

I didn't know that Ty can hear my voice. Did i say it out loud?

"What--what do you mean?" I stuttered.

"You said my hero? That's why i asked you who."

"Umm, i was thinking about fighting game. I was creating my own hero in my mind. So perfect."

"Ooh, i think that will be good one. Is it like an open world game? Or like MOBA? Or battle royal?"

"Battle royal would be good one. Amazing isn't it? Instead of FPS game, we can create battle royal but using MOBA genre."

"That is awesome. Too good to be true."

"Ya yeah."

Fuhhh, that was close. I just didn't want to start a gossip between me and Asher. I couldn't lie, i felt safe beside him. That i didn't get from my ex. But I didn't know yet, is this just temporary feeling or i was falling in love with him. What's wrong with me. I have to learn from my mistake. Have to more careful with the guy. He could be your saviour right now but we didn't know few days later.


A long day. Time to go home. When prepared my stuff and put them in my bag, Asher came to me. He asked me to go out for dinner. But i said i can't. I wanted to stay in my house. "Then can i come over?" I was shocked. "Y--ya, of course."

"Okay, send me the location."

"Okay i will."

Then he went out of the room. I could see his back disappeared. I didn't know why i felt really overwhelm. "Okay Courtney just think positive. Maybe he just wants to make sure you are safe." I said to myself.


The moon was saying hello to the earth when i went out of the main gate. Good, it was not raining. But the wind still felt freezing. I loved that. I headed to the parking lot and grabbed my key. I found a note on the car hood. "Careful ❤️❤️"

For seconds i thought that was from Asher. But my mind told the opposite. It could be from Max. Did he sabotage my car? It was freaking me out. I called Asher but he didn't answer. Maybe he was driving and didn't hear the ringing.

I tried to think positive that this was from Asher. I came in to my car then headed to home. I drove slowly, just in case. My body shivering, especially my hands. My hands became wet. I tried to control my breath and said to myself that everything will be okay. Not so long after that, my car was stop by itself. "Damn!"

I didn't know why. Besides, I also didn't know about machine. There were so many vehicles passed the street but there was no one stops to help me.

*Phone's ringing*

"Oh thanks. Asher. Hello, could you help me?"

"Why? Are you in trouble?"

"Kinda. My car broke down on my way home."

"Okay, share your location right now. I will go there."

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