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Asher looked so confused when Courtney asked him. Of course he wants it. "Ya-ya sure." He answered with stuttering. Then Courtney led the way to Asher's lips. They created their first kiss. Literally the first kiss for Asher.


Sun shine was saying hello to the world warmly. The curtain was dancing by the wind. Courtney forgot to close the window again. That day literally a new day for them. Asher and Courtney already slept in the same bed. They was cuddling and comfort each other. Asher does have desire but he could control it well. He didn't want to hurt the love of his life. She already through a lot of suffer. He just has to be patient.

"Ash..." Courtney touched Asher's cheek in order waking Asher up.

Asher opened his eyes and smiled at Courtney. Courtney couldn't do anything but smiled back.

"Sleep well?" Asher asked her softly.

"Yes, the best sleep ever. Thank you."

"No thank you. You'll feel better and better. Now, i wanna take shower and you too. After me of course."

Courtney just nodded. Whilst waiting for Asher, Courtney watched tv and had some snacks.

After they were ready. They went to work together. They looked happy. Asher held Courtney's hand. He took Her to her desk first before he went to his own desk.

Sometimes they threw a glance each other and smiled at each other. Like teenagers just found their first love.


"I have something to show you. You have to follow me." Asher said. He looked at Courtney with smile at his face. Of course Courtney lost in confused.

"What is that? Is it surprise?"

"Yes surprise. You'll know soon."

"Okay. I don't wanna ask you what is it because you won't tell me, so i believe in you."

Asher put his hand on Courtney's shoulder. They smiled at each other like happy couple. They were happy couple.

"Now, i wanna blind fold you using this scarf. Is it okay with you?"

"As long as you grab my hand always."

"Yes of course."

Asher put the scarf on her eyes slowly. At the first time, Courtney looked panic and luckily Asher knew about that. He hugged Courtney softly for comforting her and calm her down.

After Courtney got better, Asher held her hand and led the way to the place.

"Is it far?" Courtney asked him, in fact they haven't gone anywhere. Asher just laughed and said "We haven't even moved babe. Chill."

"Okay just follow me." Asher led the way to the place slowly. He didn't want to make Courtney fell. They went to the park that Asher already arranged. Of course not by himself. He asked his friends to arrange everything. Asher wants to propose Courtney.

Asher stopped at the spot then turned around. " I will untie this scarf and open it. But you have to close your eyes and don't open it until i say so." Courtney just nodded.

Asher untied the scarf slowly and took the ring that already he saved in his pocket. Then he was about kneeling. "Open your eyes." He commanded.

Courtney opened her eyes slowly and looked for Asher. As she turned around, she found him kneeling and showed the ring. "Courtney, i know this is so fast. But i want to spend the rest of my life with you, i wanna protect you with my soul, i wanna be with you forever. Courtney Port, will you marry me? Please."

Courtney closed her mouth with her hands, she couldn't say anything. But she had to say one word. The tears were rolling down on her cheeks and "Yes, Ash. I wanna marry you."

Asher's tears also fell on his right cheek. He put the ring in to Courtney's finger. Then they were hugging and sharing kiss to each other.


After all of the trauma that she got, she deserves to get better life with Asher. She felt lucky to find someone like Asher that could help her out with her trauma and make her life better than ever. Asher also felt lucky to have Courtney, he found something different on Courtney that made him falling in love in the first sight.

They are meant to be.

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