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*Courtney's POV

I went back home after the doctor said i already fine. Little bit worried after what happened. I asked Ash to stay at my home. Let's just say, Asher moved in. We didn't bring the relationship to the next level but i felt safe when he was around me. Did i make a mistake? Did i take that as an advantage? I hope not. But Asher seemed okay with that. I'm not going to lie, i loved Asher. I was just afraid of making mistake. It could be good and bad in other way.

I opened my eyes and so shocked when i realized i slept with Asher in my bed. What happened? "Hey wake up?"

"What...?" He groaned as his mouth yawned so large.

"Did we...?" I stopped and wished he know what i mean.

"Oh no no. Relax. I wouldn't do that. I just didn't want to take a risk leave you alone even just separated by a room. I'm sorry if i made you shocked. Are you okay?"

"Umm. Okay. It's fine. I'm okay. Thanks tho."

I rolled out of bed then made breakfasts for us. I made pancakes and two cups of sweet tea. I felt being a new born baby. There was no heavy thoughts. "Ash...!" I shouted calling out his name. "Come on. Breakfast is ready." I heard him open the door. "Alright."

He headed to the kitchen with big smiled on his face. That made me blush of course. I couldn't look at him like that but i wanted to. It just turned to be awkward moment for me. I tried to put my focus on my food but i felt he stared at me. But every time i looked at him, his eyes were on his foods and i did it like more than twice.

"Do you have a plan today?" Asher asked me. Made me shocked.

"Emm. Nope."

"I wanna take my stuff then go to grocery store. You come with me."

"Okay." Without doubt. I didn't want to be alone in this home. Even Max was already in jail but i didn't want to take a risk. Not anymore. I could die.


We went to Asher's apartment at 09.30 a.m., "you look better much better." He seemed scanning my face. "Yes i feel better in all things." I couldn't add it more than just a huge smile on my face. I could feel i already fine the cure of my trauma, but not all of them gone yet. I still had to process.

His apartment was so cozy and huge. I never thought that Asher kinds of a rich guy. He was so low profile. I didn't ask any question, more like so quite. I didn't want to sound idiot or hurt his feeling by some random question. Just let him tell me by himself.

"No, i'm not rich. I saved money for 3 years to buy this unit. My old apartment was good too but i need more space. I think about having family and give them a comfortable living. So, this happened."

Did he just read my mind or what? I just nodded my head but my mind was processing what he said. He definitely prepared his future though. I loved that. Honestly, i was blushed. I knew that he just said that he wanted have family and i thought about me being his wife. That could be so lovely. Daydreaming.


"You done?"

"Yeah, i have all my stuff here. Let's go."

He grabbed my hand and held it like he never wanted to loose it. I was totally shocked but I didn't want to let it go. It was comfortable. I felt being wanted by someone who i didn't deserve.

I didn't say anything, i just followed him. When we were in the grocery store, he also didn't let my hand off his hand. I could feel some people look at us. Maybe they thought we are perfect couple. I wished. He bought vegetables, cereal, eggs, meats, toothpaste, and soaps. He seemed always went shopping. He knew exactly what he needs. Good guy.

After paid the stuff that he bought. We went to have lunch. He dragged me to the fast food restaurant near the grocery store.


At 02.45 pm we already arrived at my house. I felt really tired, maybe it because my body was in recovery mode. "Ash, i wanna sleep. I feel so tired."

"Ya ya, you have to take a rest. Sleep tight love."

Yes, he did call me love. What was this feeling? I felt flattered. Does he really love me? But the yawn distracted me. So i rolled in to my bed and have sleep.

*Asher's POV

"Sleep tight baby." I looked at her when i stood up at the door. I wanted to protect her so bad. I loved her. I knew that we were not having any heart to heart relationship yet. But i wanted to take this to next level. I wanted Courtney to be mine for the rest of my life. 

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