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*Asher's POV

**A year later**

The sun seemed shy to show up its light. The cloud was turning to grey slowly. Almost rain. I was at the cemetery. Courtney took me to her parents cemetery. Not my first time. Courtney has taken me here three times. She really missed her parents. She is the strongest woman i've ever seen.

"Hungry?" I asked her, because she haven't eaten anything. She was not feeling well that day. But she forced me to take her to cemetery.

"Yes, i want a soup."

"I can cook for you. Let's go home." I grabbed her hand. When we were so close to the car, rain was pouring us. Luckily, we could get into the car quickly so we didn't get wet.


"Now you sleep, if the soup is ready i will wake you up." I kissed her forehead and rubbed her hair slowly. I headed to kitchen, cooking. After 30 minutes, the soup was ready. I was not a great chef. But i tried.

"Babe, wake up. The soup is ready."

"Ohh, okay." She wiped her eye and sat on the bed.

"You can eat here, i will bring it here." I went downstairs and walk straight to the kitchen. I poured the soup in to the bowl and prepared the spoon too. I brought it to her. I saw her smile when i walked in.

"Thank you babe. I don't deserve you."

"Hey, don't you say that. Now eat. I'm here if you need anything."

She nodded. "It's delicious. I like it." She complimented. That made me blush of course. But i hid it.


*Courtney's POV


I heard Asher shouted. But when i came to him, he was on the phone call. What was that for? Was it bad?

I felt much better after have some food and took shower. I sat on the couch and turned on the tv. I watched news. It said there was a prisoner killed himself. I shut it down right away. Covered my body with a blanket and my eyes was staring at Asher. Why take so long? I needed him here.

10 minutes later, he finished with the phone call. "You feel better?" I just nodded.

"Who was that?"

"The police. He told me that Max is dead. He killed himself. I didn't know how the police can get my number tho. I ain't even his family. I--"
He looked at me gawking. I was shocked.

"Wh-what? Did he told you what happened?"

"Yes, they found him died. Hanging himself in his cell."

"But why?" I asked confusedly. He was acting like psychopath but then he decided to kill himself. No way.

"He hanged himself using cable. They are assuming, he got this cable from insiders. But they don't know yet about the cause. I assume he was seduced by other prisoners. You know sodomy. That's what i thought."

"Is it because of me?"

"No. Don't you think like that. Your relationship with him is over 3 years ago. He got in jail because of him. Just called it as karma. But if you wanna 'see' him for the last time, i'm with you."


He was right. Karma is real. But i wasn't glad. I was sad. Maybe i was stupid by feeling sad because of Max's death. I already forgave him for whatever he did to me instead of arranging a revenge. It more relief. Besides i didn't want to waste my lifetime just to think about my revenge. There will be its own way.


I was trying to go to Max's house but it was empty. Maybe his family already moved. I wanted to attend his funeral but i didn't know where was it. So i just went home with Asher and may Max rest in peace.

"Are you okay?" Asher asked me. I think he was making sure that i wasn't blaming me anymore.

"Yea i'm totally fine. May Max rest in peace. I just wish that i could attend the funeral."

"You have a pure heart babe. I love you."

He kissed my forehead and hugged me.

"Can i kiss you?" I asked him.

He looked at me confused.

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