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*Asher's POV

"Your foods are amazing. I prefer to eat at home if you were my wife."

"Wi--Wife?" She stuttered. Seemed shocked because my words. But it was the truth.

I left her gawking. I took shower. I felt the way hot water rolled down through my spine. So calming. I put my hands on the wall and held my head down looking to the shower's faucet. Sometimes i closed my eyes slowly, relaxing myself.

After minutes full of relaxation, i came out of the bathroom and wore blue Polo and khaki short. It was 2 pm. I didn't have plan for today.

"Hey, you look different." Courtney said. It means, she was checking me. But yas i felt different. Like found something that i need for a long time. The answer is Courtney. I found Courtney. Someone that i waited for a long time. Then i found her.

I loved her, i swear to God i would protect her, love her, make sure she is happy in every second of her life, i don't mind to sacrifice myself just to protect her. She deserves more than just a love. She has been suffering so much.

"I feel different." I answered her with smile at my face. She smiled back at me. She blushed. Her cheeks was turning red. But why? She was so funny and cute. I liked the way she act shy.



"Talking about what you said before, about 'Wife', did you mean it?"

I didn't know she was interested to our last conversation. Maybe she was thinking about that whilst i took shower.

"I mean it. Why?"


I stopped her. "I mean, why are you asking about my seriousness? I wouldn't play dumb with you. I really mean it."

I walked to her, our eyes met each other but i knew she was shivering. I wished she won't get panic attack again because of me. I grabbed her hand and put it on my chess. "You feel that?"

"Y--ya." Of course she stuttered. Her eyes was moving up and down. She was nervous. "Don't be afraid, relax, breath, feel my heartbeat." I said to calm her down.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She tried to be calm. I kissed her forehead gently. I put my left hand on her head. "I love you with all of my heart." I hugged her. I was so happy because she hugged me back. I thought she started to open her heart for me. If it's true, i will never let her down.

"I love you too Ash." She whispered, i almost did not hear her words. I hugged her tighter. Finally, she was falling for me.

"I want you to be mine forever, i promise you, i will protect you with my soul, i will make sure you happy, i will be in your side, always. No matter what. Please forget about what happened to you. I don't care about any of those things. I am here to heal you, to make a new chapter in you life. Do you believe me?"
I explained to her. I heard she was crying.

"Thank you.."

I kissed her forehead. "Can i kiss you?" I would always ask her to make sure she was okay with everything thay i would do.

"Maybe later. Is it okay for you?"

"Yes, i'm okay." I smiled at her and hugged her again.

Finally, i found my love. My first love actually.


"Asher, wake up." Courtney woke me up. When i saw the clock on my phone, it was 06.00 am. Yeah got back to work. Courtney already cooked for breakfast. The smell was so good. "You are a great chef!" I complimented her. I saw her cheeks blushed. She didn't put any blush on that's why i could tell she was blushing. I liked her that way. So natural. I believe when she wear make up, she will be more beautiful. But i prefer no make up.

"Now let's eat and go to work."

"Yes, Ma'am." I laughed at her. She shook her head and smiled.


"Okay, honestly i am so happy right now." I looked at her whilst we were walking to our desk.

"Me too." She smiled at me. She was so different. I could see her smile more often than when we first know each other. I think she already managed her trauma and tried to beat it up. I hoped.

"See you later." I said that but it sounded so funny. In fact, i could see her from my desk, so does her. She giggled. Darn! I loved that.


Time to go home. We did not have any plan to go out or do something outside. So we headed straight to the house. I heard her phone ringing. It was a message. Suddenly, i saw her face turned to pale. "Hey, what's going on?"

Her hands were shaking when she gave her phone to me. 'You two are so cute. Mind if i join?'

"Darn Max!" How! How!! Wasn't he in jail? How can he texts Courtney? I felt the anger. I swore i would kill him if he touch Courtney once again.

I grabbed her hand to calm her. "I'm here, now take a deep breath. Relax. You are not alone."

I felt her hand was so cold. I couldn't see her like this over and over again.


When we got home, she headed straight to her room. She was crying. Oh God!!! That bast*rd! "Courtney, babe." She didn't answer me.

I just sat on the couch desperately. Then suddenly i heard Courtney screamed. I ran to her and opened her door. I saw Max already got her.

"Let her go you *sshole!"

"In your dream. Hahaha."

"You are crazy."

"Asher, please help me." She was crying.

Max had a gun in his hand and he pointed the gun to Courtney's head.



I heard front door kicked by someone. I could tell that was police by the sound. When i saw Max lost his focus. I ran to him and kicked his hand. The gun was flying away and fell on to the floor. I hit his head til he fell on the floor. "Run Courtney!" She was running downstairs. Then the police came in to the room and cuffed Max's hands to the his back.

"He was running away, tried to escape. I'm sorry for this." The police explained to me.

"Okay thank you for the quick respond." I appreciated what they did.

"Where is Courtney?" I asked myself.

I called out her name then i heard she cried under the dinner table. She was like a kid. I gave my hands to help her then dragged her out. I hugged her. "It's okay. I'm here."

"I'm afraid." She cried.

"I know. Listen to me, i'm here. For you. I'm sorry that you almost killed by your ex."

She nodded.

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