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*Asher's POV

She called me  and she sounded really worry. She said that her car broke down on the way back home. I know, girl. I didn't assume that all of girl had the same problem but that happened to this girl. Girl didn't know about machine. It kinda cool, if there is one. I don't know either tho. Haha.

I grabbed my key and opened my message. She already sent me the location. Not so far from my apartment. "I'll be there in 13 minutes." I texted her. Just in case, she was waiting for me so bad. I hoped that her ex wouldn't get her or kidnap her. That psychopath!! Why didn't she call the police. That bast*rd has to learn to be kind people and accept the reality.


When i was driving, i couldn't forget about Courtney. I mean, every thing about her was so perfect. Except, when she was freaking out. I almost got heart attack when she was freaking out and almost fainted. I wish i could help her to heal her mental. But every time i asked her what happened between her and her ex, she didn't want to open up to me. I know, maybe this was about the time. She hasn't had any braveness to tell me what happened. In fact, i could accept whatever it is.


I saw her sitting on the car hood. I could tell that she was really bored and didn't has a clue. When she looked at my car, i saw her face turned to be so happy. Like she lost in the middle of nowhere then got rescued. "Are you okay?" I asked her. Her smile made my heart beats so fast. 

"I'm okay but my car isn't." She laughed.

"Okay, i already called someone to tow this car and you come with me."

"Wait what? I think you the one who will repair my car."

"You kidding right? Do you think that i'm a technician? i prefer to call the repair shop to tow this car and have dinner with you."

She was gawking and like loosing her words. "O-okay." She stuttered.

She was quite. There was no word came out of her soft mouth. I really wanted to hug her at that time and kiss her lips. But i knew, that wasn't the right time. I could make her trauma even worse if i did that. "Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm okay. Why?"

"You look so scared. I won't do anything bad to you. Just dinner."

"I'm not scared, umm little bit."

"See, i just want to have dinner with you. But if you want to go home right away, i'll take you home."

"I'm okay tho."

I stopped the conversation. I was looking for the parking lot or maybe a park. I needed more times to talk to her. I didn't want to be awkward when we have a dinner. As i pulled of my car, i asked her.

"No, just tell me what are you feeling right now? I don't wanna be awakward. Are you thinking about the charge of your car?"

"Honestly, i'm afraid."

"Afraid of what? Me?"

"Ya. I wanna tell you all of things but i am too afraid that you'll be taking it as an advantage."

I took of my seat belt then looked at her. Like really intense. Because i wanted to show that i was in the serious mode. She looked at me but i could tell that she was going to cry. Her eyes was watering. How bad her trauma is? "Look, I don't wanna sound cheesy but i don't wanna hurt you and I'm sorry if i make you feel uncomfortable."

"I just wanna make you forget about him. You know what, i can't stop worry about you when you said your car broke down. You were lucky that your ex didn't find you or kidnap you."

She hugged me really tight and cried. "I got you." I whispered as hugged her back. I don't know what feeling it was but my heart was beating so fast. Even though i didn't know what's the problem, but i could feel how bad it is from her tears. "You can tell me everything what you want. But i don't wanna push you. If you think that will make you feel better then tell me, but if it's not then up to you."

She loosen her hug then wiped the tears on her cheeks. "I--i need friend to tell everything actually. I don't have anyone to pour all of my sadness. My parents were dead by an accident. My only best friend also died because of cancer. I can't trust anyone since got the trauma."

"I'm sorry for your lost. You are stronger than i thought."

I touched her chin, "Look at me." Then she held  her head up and looked at me straight to my eyes.

"I know that we just met a week ago. But since that day, i always tried to be in your side. To help you, to make you comfortable, to make sure you are safe. I've never been with someone. I am afraid of losing. But with you, i feel my fear is going away. I don't know why, your eyes told me that you need someone to take care of you, to protect you, to bring back your happiness. Because you deserve to be happy. If you think that i would do the same way like your ex did to you, you are wrong. My mom once told me, "Don't you ever hurt people and their heart, especially woman". She said that before she die. You can trust me with all of your heart"

I explained to her and told some story of my childhood. I wish i could protect my mother from my father. He was an addict. He was always beating up my mother. He also cheated on my mom. I hated him so much. That's why i told myself that i don't want to be like a person that i hate. I don't want to be like my dad. I hate seeing people got hurt by someone like my father.


"If you need friend to tell all your problem, you can tell me anytime, anywhere. It doesn't make your trauma go away but your feeling could be better."

I touched her hands and wiped her tears with my other hand. Wished it could make her better.

She smiled at me. I loved her smile.

"So, what do you wanna eat for dinner?"

"I think, we just go to my house and order some food online."


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