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"Sleep tight baby."


*Asher's POV

That night i couldn't sleep at all. My feeling was haunting me so bad. I knew that Courtney has the same feeling as me. But she was just too afraid of opening her heart again for new lover. I hoped i could heal her trauma and give her the joy in her life like she deserves.

I opened my phone then proceed to marketplace. I bought a ring to propose her. I didn't wanto waste my time. But of course i needed more time. I wanted to make sure firstly, that she has a feeling to me.

"Look at you. You are so beautiful and calm." I mumbled to myself. I didn't touch her, I didn't want to wake her up. She needed rest.


For the first time i didn't sleep at all. I made sure there was no one or thing could touch her or hurt her. I didn't know, i didn't want to lose her. I had my vow, once she has been mine, i will protect her with my soul.

"Hey you wake up?" She asked me slowly. She just woke up and i was sitting on the couch next to dresser. "Actually, I didn't sleep at all last night." I could see the worried face on her.

"I'm okay. I just wanna protect you."

"But that will affect you health. You have to protect yourself first if you wanna protect someone else."

I did see the point what she was talking about. I was too afraid of losing her. Til i forgot to take care of myself too.

"If you are sick, i will be alone you know that."

I didn't answer her. She was right.

"Now, you sleep. I will make a breakfast or maybe could be a lunch for you. I don't want you risk your health just for me. Okay?"

I giggled. I never heard her so bossy like this. "Okay" i threw a smile to her. "But if you wanna go out or grab something, wake me up!" I commanded her seriously.

"Yes i will. Now sleep." She was covering my body with the blanket. Not so long after she left the room, i slept.

*Courtney's POV

How could he didn't sleep like at all last night. Mayne he was drinking too much coffee to stay awake. That was horrible. Does he love me so much?

"Now i will toast the bread and make a coffee." I talked to myself.

I left the kitchen as waiting for the bread and coffee were ready, i headed to the bedroom. I made sure Asher got a tight sleep. "Look how calm he is." I mumbled. He seemed really tired. He was a bit snoring.

I heard the sound from the toast. My bread was ready. I poured the coffee in to my cup. Then brought them to the table. I ate the bread whilst my other hand swiped up and down my phone. I made sure there was no sign of Max. I am totally safe. What a life!

It was 11 am and Asher hasn't woken up. I had to wake him up. He hasn't eaten anything. "Hey Ash, wake up." He was shocked. "It's okay. It is me." He opened his eyes slowly and smiled at me.

"What time is it?"

"11 am"

"I'm hungry." I laughed. Yes of course he was hungry. No doubt.

"Come on, have lunch." I dragged him to the kitchen.



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