Chapter 6

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Dedicate this chapter to DistantDreamer who wrote amazing stories that creates a whole new level of fantasy  :)


The yellowish-orange glow of the fire stepped into her sight as she neared the forest house. There she saw the alpha and a few of his pack member sitting on the log. As she got closer, the alpha noticed her presence, he rose from the log, and waited for her to stop on her tracks.

“Protector.” The alpha greeted, bowing at Elektra when she stood right in front of him. “Henry.” His eyes glanced at the handsome vampire.

“Alpha.” Elektra mimicked the alpha’s tone, bowing as she showed her respect to him. Henry did the same as well, showing his respect.

The alpha was a handsome man. He’s somewhere in his forties. His dark brown hair was wild but it just made him even more handsome. He had a built figure, an eight pack and a very muscular body. His skin was tan, golden brown in colour. His eyes were deep green just like the leaves in the forest.

“I’m sorry to call you at this late hour.” He spoke as he waved his hand to the log, gesturing her to take a seat on the log, which she gladly took. Henry had already gone off with one of the pack members who was one of his friends.

“It is fine, Luke.” She replied, taking the polystyrene cup Filled with tea handed to her by one of the pack members. “Well, what seems to be the problem?” She asked before taking a sip of her tea.

Luke, the alpha smiled at her. “Well, look at you. Straight to business. You don’t want to chat with this old man?” He asked playfully.

Elektra rolled her eyes with a smile playing on her lips. “You know that’s not it, Luke.”

“I know. I’m just teasing you, kid.”The alpha chuckled as he ruffled her hair.

Elektra chuckled and gave him a look to continue which he did. “There are rogues on the loose. This morning my men found a person dead in the forest bitten to death. There were wolf tracks. My men tried to track them but was unable to find them. It seemed like they disappeared in thin air.” He explained.

Elektra gave him an encouraging nod for him to continue. He cleared his throat before he spoke. “The man was bitten wildly. It’ to say it...” He stopped as he stroked his moustache. “...not normal. It is as if the rogue is even wilder.”

Elektra frowned in confusion. Did the damage done to the man by the rogues was that bad?

“Oh, it was that bad, my dear protector.” He added. “You should’ve seen the body. It was dreadful.”

Elektra nodded before sipping her tea. “Well, I assume you want me to kill these wild rogues?” She raised her eyebrow.

“If you would, my dear protector. Seeing from the attack that the rogues did, they’re stronger and wilder. As you know, my pack is small and limited. We lost many of our members since the last war. I didn’t want to lose any more of my members.” He said with seriousness in his voice.

Elektra could understand that. He was protecting his pack. Losing more pack members would be devastating for everyone.

 “Alright, alpha.” She spoke as she rose from her seat, which made Luke, stood up as well. “I will kill these rogues.”

The alpha’s face lightened in relief and happiness. Ela smiled seeing the old man’s happy expression. “In return,” She added. The alpha’s face turned confused. “In return, you must promise me to take care of your pack.” She smiled softly.

The alpha’s face softened as he smiled warmly at her. The protector was an amazing person. She never really asked anything in return. She was neither selfish nor arrogant. She was a pure hearted girl, beautiful in and out.  How the alpha wished she would Be one of his son’s mates but that was impossible since she wasn’t. They already checked on that. It was a huge disappointment to the alpha. He really wanted her to be his daughter in-law.

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