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The night was cloudy and very rarely would the clouds move enough for the moon to illuminate the ground. It was almost so difficult to see but he wouldn't take his mask off. It was a colorful dice mask given to him by his friend after he got attacked by a witch. It had earned him a few scars, the reason he had the mask on in the first place. He had been sitting on top of a building when he heard the howl of a charger and it came running into the middle of the street, a person in his grasp. He started slamming him up and into the ground making a sickening crack. He aimed down his sights and quickly dispatched the charger but it seemed like it was too late. The person he had just tried to save was lying limp on the ground. He turned to leave and sighed.
"A waste of amo." He muttered to himself. He realized he had left the amo that was so rare back where he had tried to save that person. He walked back and grabbed it. He glanced over to see the body again and noticed it was gone.
"I was only gone for a minute," he breathed in surprise. He ran to where the fire escape was and quickly and carefully parkoured down it landing on his feet and walking over to where he had last seen the body seeing blood smears on the ground. He looked and saw that it led to an alley that he hated, it was creepy. It unsettled him but he walked forward. He walked into the dark alley and glanced around. He looked over and saw the body of a young adult in an orange hoodie he had rainbow socks on which were tattered and torn, dryed mud stained the bottom of the pant leg. He already had assumed that he was dead but heard the raspy breathing and saw the person's chest rise slowly. He walked over quickly, not hesitating. This guy probably didnt have long.
Okay most likely.
Fine most certainly.
He picked him and ran for the building he was staying in with his 3 friends.
He knocked on the door. 2 times rapidly, then 1 staggered one, then 2 more times one fast the other a second later. The door opened and he saw his friend.
"Hey where were-" he started then he saw the person that he was carrying.
"Trying to save this guy," he responded. "He doesnt have much longer,"
"Take him to Tb,"
"That was the  plan."

Sorry it's short I just needed this out so I can start working on the legit chapters.
Words: 446

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