I dont want to talk about it (Chapter 7)

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They were in the bottom part of the subway after going through the massive opening there was random loot scattered around that the group took since they would definitely need it. Socks was limping behind his leg still hurt. Meme had warned that he was gonna be sore for a while.

"Do you need help?" Dino asked, walking up behind him. Socks shook his head and leaned up against one of the ticket booths, broken glass cracking beneath his feet.

"The subway carts are just up there!" Meme called pointing at the top of a now broken escalator. Ally was already at the top; she was just staring. As Socks came closer up the stairs he saw horror on her face. Her hand over her mouth.

"What's wron-'' Socks started as he turned around and then he looked in surprise as the entire train was knocked off the railings. The doors were opened and Socks could barely see through the windows a boomer. He shot at it and was rewarded with an explosion. Meme came up a few seconds later with the rest of the group following him. Socks looked through the crowd and saw Oompa, oof and Tbvg with the rest of the group. Socks' anger was clear as he stared at Oompa who just smirked at him. Socks clenched his fist he felt someone put their hand on his shoulder. He looked over his shoulder to see who it was. Blaza stood there with an understanding look in his eye.

"I get your frustration." Blaza told him, "The guy is a major rat," Blaza said, rolling his eyes. Socks laughed a little at that and the smirk quickly disappeared off of Oompas face. Socks smirked back at him in a mocking way. Oompa broke eye contact with him and turned away to talk with Oof.
"I see a clear path, we just have to travel inside the subway cars." Meme said walking towards the subway. Entering cautiously looking left and right to make sure there was nothing in there that would hurt them. Meme then suddenly backed away as a charger flew past him. Startling everyone with it crashing into one of the cars. Meme shot at it and part of Socks wished that oompa had gotten smashed into the side of the car's walls.

They were already at the door as soon as he got home. He walked over to the front door slowly and they turned as they heard his footsteps.

"Hey, Um what's up?" he asked them. The police presented him their badges in a formal way.

"I'm Officer Peaks and this is my partner, Officer Magics." he said, gesturing to the other police officer standing next to him. She looked distraught and he wondered why.

"Oh, Can I help you?" He asked.
"Are you Mr. and Mrs. Smith's son?" Officer Peaks asked him.

"Call me Socks, and yes I am." he responded politely. "Do you guys want to come in or-?" he asked them reaching for his front door.
"This should be quick." Officer Peaks told Socks who nodded. "Have you heard anything about the crash that happened on the highway?" Officer Magics asked him.

"I don't believe so, but that's where my family was. They were heading to the fall store. Why?" Socks asked "Are they okay?" Socks asked frantically. The cops exchanged glances with grief in their eyes.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Smith, Your parents and both your younger siblings are dead.." Officer Peaks told him. Socks felt his knees give away. Shock hitting him hard.

"Dead?" He whispered, "They told me they'd be back!" Socks shouted. "My mom promised me!"

"Mr. Smith,-" One of the police officers started.

"I'm only FIFTEEN!" He exclaimed tears falling off his face.

"That's what we need to ask you Mr. Smith, You are old enough to take care of yourself, Since you are legally old enough to drive and have a job. You would be supplied with anything that you needed. On a budget of course." Office Magics told him. "Would you like to be put in the foster care system or stay independent?" she asked. Socks barely had any time to comprehend this news without more questions coming up.
"Can I be independent please?" He asked quietly.

"Yes sir." Officer peaks told him. Socks stood up to look them in the eyes.
"Who hit them?" he asked. "Do you know?"

"We do." Officer peaks told him.
"Who then?" Socks asked.

"They go by the names of Daniel west, and the other one prefers nickname so Memegod." Officer Peaks said, Officer Magics snorted when he said Memegod.

"Such a stupid name if you ask me." She muttered. Socks could find some humor in the name but it quickly disappeared. 


If you ask me the name Memegod as a name is kinda stupid but hey Who am i to judge? I named an OC after a freaking Molotov. I have no rights to talk. I might make this story 15 chapters instead of 20 as last book stretched out about 3 campaigns in left 4 dead. This one needs to go threw the campaigns that inspired the name. "No mercy" since I already have an ending planned and its on this campaign so I need to stretch it out. The reason I'm doing so many flashbacks, Backstories, ETC. 

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