Chapter 2

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"Do you really think I'm joking?"

"Well I mean-"
"Look at the bend of his legs, compare it to Oof's."

"Oompa I don't know what you're talking about."

"Tbvg you're supposed to be the doctor here. Look at the difference!"

"Oh actually I do kinda see it."


"Alright fine Oompa you're right."

"Have neither of you noticed that he's awake?"
Socks looked up to prove that he was awake.

"Told ya!" The one with a dice looking mask said. A guy with some dark curly brown hair glared at him.

"Yes Oof you are so smart." he responded sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Oof just shrugged it off like it wasn't anything.
"Anyways stranger, who are you?" Oof said crouching down closer to Socks. Who felt uncomfortable. Before he responded he looked at the three people surrounding him. The one they called Oof had shades and a dice mask on his face. There was another person with purple dyed hair he also had glasses on but one of the glass frames  had 4 dots on it. The colors were: Red ,green ,yellow and blue. Which unsettled him a little bit since it kind of looked like those four dots were just his eyes. Then there was the other guy, the guy that the purple haired person called Oompa. He wore a green vest which was slightly torn and had a crowbar strapped to his back. The paint was chipping off of it.

"Stranger, did you not hear what I asked?" Oof questioned. Socks looked back at him and opened his mouth to speak. He could only manage to rasp out a word.


"Socks? Is that your name?" Oof asked him. Socks nodded in response. "Thank you." he said. Socks didn't understand what he was saying thank you to but he just nodded. "Sorry you look confused. I was saying thanks for giving us your name." He clarified. Socks nodded once more. Oompa stood up.
"Wait. Oompa don't you think you should introduce yourself?" the purple haired person asked.

"You just kinda said my name Tbvg." Oompa responded.
"Well you just said my name." Tbvg retorted. Oompa exhaled sharply through his nose, annoyed. He walked over to a broken window that was partly boarded up, a small gap was left so that a person could look outside.

"People are coming." Oompa said all of a sudden. Tbvg was wrapping bandages in a large wound on Socks leg that hurt like fury.
"Quick question." Tbvg said completely ignoring Oompas observation. "Are you a parkourist?" he asked Socks. Socks paused.
"Use to." Was all he could muster out. He was extremely tired. He yawned and Tbvg must've noticed how tired he was because he sighed and stood up. His purple hoodie had a belt of med kits across his chest with a few pain pills and adrenaline shots to go with it.

"Go ahead and rest you've taken a lot of severe injury's over the last few days." Socks took his advice and shut his eyes. He was tired but sleep was a ways off.


Meme and the rest of the group were sitting on top of the roof. Meme had practiced aiming and shooting with his rifle he head shotted an infected from a decent distance away.

"We should move in the darkness of night, it would be easier to sneak past infecteds." Ally suggested obviously not talking to Meme necessarily but Laff who stood arms crossed leaning on a door that outcropped in the middle of the roof leading to the apartments below them.

"Didn't Socks say that he could see in the dark?"

"Does that mean the infecteds have night vision?" Ally questioned.

"I'm not the person to ask." Laff responded not trying to sound rude but it came off as a snarky comment.
"I wish Socks was here." She whispered sadly.

"You're acting like he's dead." Meme snapped at her. She looked up at him in surprise.
"Were you listening to our conversation?" She asked. He stalked towards her and Laff just gave him a look that said 'Be careful with what you say.'
"Yes, We can't keep these things to just three people though. We need to share it with the rest of the group." He told her.

"I was never saying I was going to keep it between me and Laff and you kinda just dropped in." She responded. Meme couldn't argue with that, it didn't mean he was going to let it stand but he wasn't going to drag this argument out for longer then it needed to be discussed.

"I just wish you would take some stuff with me," he said.

"Well Meme, as an example you have been a jerk ever since Socks sacrificed himself for us." Ally pointed out.

"Again you're making it sound like he's dead!" Meme spat.
"I'm not insinuating that he's dead!" She raised her voice then lowered it. "I just think its best we don't get our hopes up." she murmured, lowering her voice to where only Laff and Meme could hear her. Meme bit his lip, it was becoming a nervous habit to the point that his lip would start to bleed constantly. He had noticed that stress was starting to take a toll on the rest of the group. With Socks possibly losing his mind every second that they didn't find a cure. Just being able to survive in this situation. Meme didn't even know if a cure existed. What if Mercy hospital was rundown and it was just a suicide mission? Possibly everyone losing their lives one way or another. One of those options that Meme didn't want to think about was Socks killing all of them. It had almost been a week since he started showing signs of the infection. From what Meme knew a person with a strong immune system would take about two weeks max to fall victim to the complete effects of the infection. Meaning if they did find socks and he was alright they had only a week to get the cure.

One week. Only one and if they were unlucky less than that maybe the only had an hour or twenty minutes. He couldn't say for sure.

For thinking you know everything memegod you sure dont know anything. He thought angrily at himself. The days were dwindling they needed to move fast.
"We are going to look for Socks!" He exclaimed, making sure his voice was loud enough to carry to where Blaza, Joocie, Woolf, and Dino were deep in conversation. Nadwe cheered and Muffin clapped. Spreading their joy and hope with the rest of the group. Blaza let out a smile that had been rare to see for the last week or so. Woolf and Dino shared a knowing glance of them being the best with guns besides Ally. Joocie nudged Blaza and said something to him that Meme couldn't hear but Blaza still smiled. So it must've meant he hadn't said anything bad. Meme tried to open the door and found it was locked. He tried kicking it but he was too weak.
"Well I just killed the mood." He laughed to himself but then out of nowhere Laff ran at the door with an axe and broke through the door. Which knocked it off its hinges and it tumbled down the stairs that lead to rooms.

"C'mon lads we don't got all day!" He called. 


Yes we are back to long chapters which I needed to do.

Words:  1,243

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