Good news and Bad news (Chapter 11

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Blaza heard footsteps at the front of the tunnel and turned to see Muffin running back with Ally and Nadwe chasing after him. He stopped a few inches from where Blaza was and stood panting leaning over.
"You did good." Blaza told him as Blaza walked over to meet Ally halfway.

"Are you guys alright?" She asked. Blaza shook his head. He brushed his hair out of his face and started to explain.

"Anyways, like you we got separated in the horde except from what it seems like we ran into a tank." Blaza started. "Dino and Me were the closest but he was Closer which meant that he got hit first. I haven't got a chance to check up on him yet." Blaza admitted. He then glanced at Tbvg sadness in his eyes. "I tried my best to help him but he was already gone." Blaza started to get choked up and Ally nodded.

"Take your time." She told him. Blaza nodded, took a deep breath and pointed over to Joocie.
"He'll be okay. Just unconscious right now probably took the least of the beating besides Muffin, but of course we protected Muffin." Blaza told her. Muffin looked at him with as much confidence as he could muster.

"You didn't need to protect me!" Muffin protested, his voice still shaky. Blaza glanced at him and smiled.

"I didn't need to. I just chose too."

"What are we going to do?" Meme asked turning to look Oof in the eye. Oof sighed and started to pick up Socks limp body. He muttered something under his breath that Meme didn't catch. "What did you say?" He asked Oof glanced at him.

"Just a small prayer for safety." Oof told him but Meme knew there was more. So he decided to push further.
"A small prayer that Socks gets better, that something we both want right?" Oof asked him. Meme sighed and nodded.
"Heh Socks has been through a lot in his life. It doesn't seem like its gonna get any better anytime soon." he sighed.

Dino was dead. Ally had determined that after checking his pulse and heartbeat there was nothing. Ally had deemed him dead the second that the tank had hit him. Since his body was so cold.
"Two, two are dead." Ally breathed out. It seemed unreasonable. She felt a rage surge in her body. She needed someone to blame and only one person she could think of was Socks. Why were they even in the sewers? Because they were making their way to Mercy hospital for Socks. It was unfair for her to blame Socks since it was out of his control but she did. Joocie had gone conscious and they started to explore the sewer until they saw the dead body of Tbh.

Ally hadn't known him well but it was still a fatal blow. He had contributed to the team just as well as everyone else. Yet that couldn't save him. They started walking forwards and turned down one of the sewer tunnels and saw Oof carrying Socks and Meme was walking next to him. Woolf wasn't there with them.
"Where's Woolf?" She asked. Meme looked at her with dull eyes.

"Dead. The infection finally did it, Socks killed someone." Meme said he shrugged his hands waving useless by his side. Four.

"What about Oompa?" She asked

"No sign of him."
"Are you sure?"
"Do I look sure?" Meme snapped at her.

"Hey! It's just a question!" She shouted back at him, her eyes widening. Tensions were high now. Too high.

"Let's just get out of here." Meme muttered.
"What about Oompa and Laff?" Blaza asked. Ally had completely forgotten about Laff, he hadn't even crossed her mind. Great friend you are Ally, How could you forget about your closest friend huh? Supporting you in every decision you make even if it's a bad one. Ally breathed.

"Okay we look for Laff, we find Oompa cool, it's a score." Ally said. Meme nodded. She turned to Blaza and Oof.
"You guys take Socks, Nadwe, and Muffin to the surface." She told them. Oof nodded, Blaza grabbed Muffins hand and started leading them to where they had planned to exit. Meme and Ally started walking started to venture through the sewer tunnels. Ally was staring down one tunnel then she heard an echoed voice shout.


"That wasn't my fault! That was yours!" She heard another voice shout. The first voice had more of an accent. The second voice was a lot deeper than the other.

"Meme someone over there." She whispered making sure her voice didn't echo. She pointed down the tunnel as two people appeared in the opening.
"Ally? Meme?" Ally recognized the person instantly.


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