Chapter 5

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Socks put his hand up defensively.

"Oompa we can talk about this!" Socks pleaded he was crouched on the floor back to a brick wall. Oompa stood in front of him with a gun in hand fully loaded. Oompa clicked the safety off. Socks' felt his eyes widen as he stared down the barrel of a gun, he attempted to summon any of his hunter strength but found nothing. Oompa aimed down his sights looking to hit Socks straight in the head. Killing him quickly, and making sure he was dead. He heard a laugh from behind Oompa shouting the words "Orphan" or "Freak". Then the gun went off. The last thing he saw before he blacked out was Meme pointing at him shouting those words.

Socks jolted awake he sat up so fast that he nearly toppled over on his side. He glanced around, he wasn't in the alley like in his dream. He was just inside the abandoned building he had been aware of as he slipped in between being conscious and unconscious. It had been a painful last couple of days and Socks had no need to think about the fact his days were running short. Part of him felt like people would revel in his death. He didn't stick on the thought and stood up. His head swam and made him stagger a bit, he leaned up against a nearby wall to stabilize himself before he made any major movements.

No time to hesitate Socks, we need to move. He thought to himself thinking about all the things that could possibly happen. He heard footsteps coming up the old stairs and he spun around. Which was a bad idea as the room spun, he inhaled sharply trying to regain stability. The creaking of the stairs had stopped and Socks sighed.
"You're going crazy, man." Socks chuckled to himself. Then he looked up and saw a figure standing in the shadows. It had sharp horns and no distinguishable features leaving it a blank shadow face. As the person stepped into the light it revealed that it was a normal person. That person was Woolf.
"Oh good you're awake. We found the subway and they sent me back to come and get you." Woolf told him.
"Ah I see." Socks murmured.

"Are you safe to travel?"
"As in safe, do you mean I can or can't?" Socks asked him.

"Second option more or less." Woolf told him. Socks nodded and limped towards him. Woolf quickly intercepted him before he fell flat on his face.


"Don't mention it." Woolf told him. They slowly started making their way down the street and Socks spotted the lights on in a car blinking yellow. Woolf glanced at him.

"Can you run?" he asked. Socks thought about this for a second considering it.

"Not really." Socks told him. Woolf breathed out sharply through his nose.
"I'm going to shoot that alarm car. It's gonna set off an alarm of course, when I do that I need you to go down the stairs." Woolf told him.
"Why do you need to shoot the car?" Socks asked.

"To let Meme know I'm coming." Woolf responded.

"I think I can make it." Socks said.

"Well I'll give you a head start, Sound good?" Woolf asked him.

"Whatever works for you." Socks responded. Woolf rolled his eyes.
"I'm asking you what works for you." he told Socks.

"Okay." Socks said as he started to limp towards where Woolf had pointed. A broken sign above the stairwell that led down read 'Subway' So Socks as fast as he could, which wasn't very fast, started to hobble down the stairs.
"I look ridiculous." He remarked to himself, Then he heard gunshots go off and the alarm car blared its loud siren. Woolf appeared at the top of the stairs panting; he grabbed Socks arm and dragged him towards the safehouse door. Which made Socks scream in pain from the sudden jolt of discomfort that shot up his leg. The door opened and Socks felt someone grab him and drag him inside. He was starting to fade into unconsciousness when he heard meme say.
"Get a health pack!" and Socks tried to stay awake a little longer but couldn't do it anymore. His eyes were starting to shut.

"Socks DONT YOU DARE GO BACK TO SLEEP!" he heard Meme shout at him. Socks tried to widen his eyes as much as he could which he knew wouldn't work he had to just try at least.
"SOCKS I SWEAR TO-" he heard then he blacked out.


Woo its short but hey its 3 chapters in a single day please dont hurt me. 

Words: 773 

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