Chapter 6

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Nadwe leaned up against the wall he sat down. He tried closing his eyes to go to sleep but found that he couldn't and he sighed in frustration. Meme and Tbvg were talking near a limp body of Socks whose leg bent in an unnatural position. Most likely broken from what Nadwe could see. Nadwe had never wanted to kill Socks. Ever since his own dad died, Socks acted like a father figure to him. After the green flu struck his mother he had sworn he wasn't going to let anything like that hurt him again. Then Socks revealed signs of the infection and had nearly killed Meme and Blaza which in any case had made Nadwe more determined. He didn't want to kill Socks and was kind of glad each time he got stopped because he didn't know what he would do if he lost Socks or any of his friends for that matter. He stared up at the ceiling thinking about what life was like before the green flu. He could just talk to his mom or play video games, heck he kinda missed his bullies at school only because it meant that life was normal.

"Strange is the new normal." he whispered to himself, making sure no one else heard him.

"Strange is the new normal."

It was a warm and sunny day in a hard rain valley or that's what Tbh called the place that he lived. The reason he called it hard rain valley was because it always rained. Tbh loved to swim and very rarely would there be a sunny day that he could enjoy. Sometimes his mom would let him outside to play in the rain but if there was lightning on thunder she would not allow him outside. Also the reason he loved his crab onesie. He would wear it everywhere, sometimes after a storm crabs would be washed up near the docks. He would take one or two and bring it home. His mom would always get mad at him and tell him to bring those back to the sea. Which he would do and his mom would come with him. She couldn't stay mad at him long. He was a spitting image of his father. Curly black hair, bright green eyes, they looked like twins. Except for the fact that his father was never around. He was always deployed in the military. One of the reasons he loved to wear his onesie was because his father always said he loved crabs.

"They are small but tough, they also can pack quite a punch if you mess with them." He had always said.

"Hey Mom, I'm gonna go out for a little!" He shouted, the door already opened.

"Alright be back by sunset!" His mother called back from the kitchen. Anytime she was stressed or worried she would always bake. He started running down and saw a kid anxiously walking down the street. Holding some money in his hands. Tbh jogged over to where the kid was walking.
"Hi there!" Tbh said, the kid gasped in surprise, he stumbled back a bit, his eyes wide.
"H-hi..." He stuttered, not sure of what to do.

"I've never seen you around here, what's your name?" Tbh asked him.

"Socks." The boy responded.

"Socks, that's an odd name." Tbh remarked.

"It's not my real name, just my nickname in honor of my socks." Socks said softly, putting his foot up slightly to show the rainbow socks on his feet.

"Oh neat!" Tbh said. "People call me Tbh Honest or tbh for short." Tbh told him.

"Why do they call you that?" Socks asked, tbh removed the hood of his onesie and pulled back the hair in front of his forehead showing a T shaped scar. Socks' eyes widened in awe.

"That's so cool!" He exclaimed.

"I know right?" Tbh said confidently, he didn't mind showing off the scar that gave him his name. Especially when people had that reaction. "Anyway where are you heading too?" He asked.

"The store." Socks responded a little more comfortable talking to tbh now.

"Do you know where that is?" Tbh tilted his head.

"Yes-" Socks said in a way that he sounded like he wasn't telling the truth. .

"Are you lying?" Tbh asked skeptically

"Yes." Socks said, hanging his head.

"Don't worry about it, I can show you the way." Tbh told him. Socks looked up.


"Yeah of course, it's what friends are for." Tbh smiled.

"That's what friends are for." Tbh whispered.

"Hm?" Ally asked, they were standing right outside the exit of the safe house. A large hole in front of them leading to the subways below. The ceiling must've collapsed falling onto the floor breaking it.

"Nothing, just remembering something." Tbh responded. Ally looked at him skeptical but did not push any further.

"I wonder how long it'll be until we can get moving again." Ally wondered aloud.

"They said that Sock's leg just got dislocated." Tbh told her Ally looked at him in surprise.
"How long will that take for it to heal?" She asked him.

"It won't take time, they just need to relocate it." Tbh said making a motion like he was snapping a stick. "It will hurt at first then just be sore afterwards. He won't necessarily need to rely on other people to walk. It'll just be difficult for him." He clarified, Ally laughed softly.
"I'm barely nineteen. I didn't expect to need to understand this stuff so soon." Ally muttered.

"Yeah I get the feeling." Tbh told her. "No person unless you're a doctor should have to know this stuff." He added. The door opened behind them and they both turned around to see the face of a worried Meme.

"I need some help." He said he sounded worried, no wonder this would be the first big thing he would have to do as 'doctor' of the group.

"I'll help." tbh volunteered taking a step forwards.

"Same here."

"Okay follow me, both of you." Meme told him to turning around his hand making a gesture telling them to follow. Socks was sat leaning up against the wall. He was awake and clearly in a lot of pain. Nadwe was sitting against the wall he turned away not wanting to see.

"Okay Ally, Tbh grab both of his arms." Meme commanded Tbh walked over and grabbed Socks' left arm while Ally grabbed the right arm. Woolf sat nearby just in case of anything going wrong. Meme grabbed Socks left leg and looked Socks in the eyes.

"Are you ready?" he asked. Socks nodded slowly looking away. Meme with a swift motion pulled and with a loud pop the leg came back into the proper place. Socks screamed in pain trying to break out of Tbh and Ally's grip.

"Oh god! That hurt!" Socks gasped after a second.

"Did I do it right?" Meme asked nervously.

"I think so-" Socks said cautiously. He bent his leg and winced but it moved decently smoothly.

"Well just rest for a bit since we're gonna have to get moving pretty soon." Meme told him. Socks nodded, his gaze flew to Tbh and Ally now standing next to each other.




Woo I'm gonna be writing for a bit hoping to finish this book before Halloween (Unrealistic goal but did I ever say I cared?)

I also get to draw really edgy art for this book and it makes me so happy, Like really really edgy art. 


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